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Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:48 am
by curtsibling
Cheers, Smivs - I take it the Nav Energy works accumalitively with the existing Energy unit?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:57 am
by Thargoid
No, one replaces the other. They are mutually incompatible.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:00 am
by Smivs
curtsibling wrote:
Cheers, Smivs - I take it the Nav Energy works accumalitively with the existing Energy unit?
That's right. It is based on the existing recharge rate (not ship size) so for a Cobra Mk III, which has a 'good' standard recharge rate of 4.0, an Extra Energy Unit takes that up to 7.2 and a Naval Unit bumps it up to 10.4.
For the Boa 2 (and Clipper), which have a 'medium' standard recharge rate of 3.2 the rates rise to 5.76 (extra energy) and 8.32 (naval energy), but remember the bigger ships often have more energy banks as well...eight in the case of the Boa 2 variants.

Edit:- Just to clarify what Thargoid said, he's refering to Extra Energy and Naval Energy units. You can have one or the other, but not both.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:21 am
by SuperDave156
I've got just over 10 hours on the Cobra III (this time round - 25 years ago I had A LOT more - nearly lost wife over it...).
I've bought the cargo bay, beam laser and fuel scoops. Had a go at scooping fuel off Orerve's sun. Got the fuel but then got fried on the way out.
It's taking me about 25 mins per trip (I'm keeping a log on Excel - sad or what?) but it's more fun now I can shoot and collect cargo.
I just wish there wasn't the 10 minute slow run into the station.
I'm a programmer so I might have a go at the source to bypass the time wasting "Hyperspeed mass-locked" feature. Has anyone tried it?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:04 am
by Smivs
SuperDave156 wrote:
I've got just over 10 hours on the Cobra III (this time round - 25 years ago I had A LOT more - nearly lost wife over it...).
I've bought the cargo bay, beam laser and fuel scoops. Had a go at scooping fuel off Orerve's sun. Got the fuel but then got fried on the way out.
You'll need Heat Shielding for safe sun-skimming - 1500 Cr from TL 4 or above.
SuperDave156 wrote:
It's taking me about 25 mins per trip (I'm keeping a log on Excel - sad or what?) but it's more fun now I can shoot and collect cargo.
I just wish there wasn't the 10 minute slow run into the station.
I'm a programmer so I might have a go at the source to bypass the time wasting "Hyperspeed mass-locked" feature. Has anyone tried it?
Fuel Injectors will save you a lot of time as you can just blast past any other ships. They cost 600 Cr (great value) from TL 10 and above. Or just avoid the spacelanes by angling away from the planet for a while after exiting witchspace, then flying in from a different direction. You won't meet other ships so won't get mass-locked. Mind you this means you won't find anything to fight or collect etc. Fast but not much fun.
I'm not sure about trying to bypass the 'feature'...sounds boring and a bit too much like cheating to me, but each to is own. :D

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:21 am
by Cody
Smivs wrote:
I'm not sure about trying to bypass the 'feature'...sounds boring and a bit too much like cheating to me, but each to is own.
Agree with Smivs there… and with the right eye-candy, that slow cruise in-system is nice and relaxing.
But if you really want to speed things up, try using the ‘time acceleration factor’ (TAF).
Pause - shift+f - left or right arrow keys to set the TAF - shift+f - unpause.
There’s even an oxp to reset the TAF to 1.0 on docking.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:50 am
by CheeseRedux
El Viejo wrote:
But if you really want to speed things up, try using the ‘time acceleration factor’ (TAF).
Pause - shift+f - left or right arrow keys to set the TAF - shift+f - unpause.
There’s even an oxp to reset the TAF to 1.0 on docking.
If you want to go down that route, I can highly recommend the latest version of MilHUD.
Amongst its manymany nifty features, it has an advanced version of TAF Reset built in which also resets the TAF to 1 whenever hostiles appear. That will allow you to speed things up while cruising without having to worry about being blown out of the sky because your reflexes aren't quite up to handling 32x speed.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:17 am
by Commander McLane
El Viejo wrote:
Smivs wrote:
I'm not sure about trying to bypass the 'feature'...sounds boring and a bit too much like cheating to me, but each to is own.
Agree with Smivs there…
Agreeing as well. I also don't think anybody has tried that before.

On top of that, it would be likely to kill you. After all, the mass lock is a safety feature. It's about preventing you from crashing into other ships or (worse!) planets. If you disable it, you will have to have one finger practically glued to the 'S' key, because running into anything at jump speed is guaranteed to kill you. And there happen to be a lot of obstacles in your path during your flight, most notable a whole planet at the end of it.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:36 am
by SuperDave156
Thanks guys... With your advice I now head off at an angle to the planet while watching it through the side windows. When I spot the Coriolis I switch to front view and approach it from a high orbit and can now hyperspeed right up to it and then use the fuel injection to get really close. Docking is great for the adrenaline rush. I went out to Maplins and bought a Saitek game controller which makes landing quite a lot like flying a model aircraft. Well worth the £8. All the buttons configure too so you only need the keyboard for "H".
I've been trading narcotics, computers and furs between Relais and Zasoer and have just about enough @ for a military laser. The beam laser is junk as it overheats so quickly and I've been avoiding conflict up to now.
... I'm addicted - again!

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:46 am
by Cody
SuperDave156 wrote:
... I'm addicted - again!
Yeah, that’s what happens. I was addicted to BBC Elite, then to PC Elite Plus… then I found Oolite, which is superior in all respects.
Only trouble is, I’ve since become addicted to the forum as well… hey-ho!

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:14 am
by SuperDave156
Yes, I played Elite on my BBC which I still have in the loft. I remember going in to Watford Electronics and being blown away by the BBC's graphics!!! compared to the Sinclair Spectrum I had. Thanks to the Spectrum and BBC then PCs I had an interesting career as a programmer for 20 years...
I doubt that self taught programmers could blag a job nowadays - but we grew up and evolved with these computers...

I've just been offered a Trumble. err. No thanks!

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:29 am
by Commander McLane
SuperDave156 wrote:
I've just been offered a Trumble. err. No thanks!
Oooh! Why not? I mean, it's cute and fluffy! And it purrs! And have I mentioned how cute it is? And fluffy?!? :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:12 am
by SuperDave156
Just had some fun coming in to Esteonbi
A bunch of cops were attacking an Anaconda I think it was so I helped out and destroyed it then got a message of thanks from the cops.
I then collected the cargo and a guy called Enata 'di Hector and got 413.6 bounty for him!
Great - but now must go and do some work - fix a broken heating boiler.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:38 am
by drew
Commander Otley wrote:
Cheers Drew just read Status Quo and ive got to say a cracking read keep it up !
Thanks! 8) (sorry, bit late to the thread!)



Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:17 pm
by CheeseRedux
SuperDave156 wrote:
Great - but now must go and do some work - fix a broken heating boiler.
Oooh! Which OXP is that? :lol: