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Re: Question on Planetfall OXP

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:29 am
by Ganelon
Oh, and moons and "sub" planets (ie added ones, without the main station in orbit around them) have slightly different locations (or every different in some cases) to the main planet ones too.
You mean that moons and etc have more than one landing location too? Now I feel dumb for never having noticed that. LOL

I don't currently have the OXP I used to have that did moons and other planets in the system (Deep Horizons - Systems) installed because as I recall it overrides Famous Planets. When I was taking out OXPs that didn't work right after updating to 1.75 and replacing them with the new versions, I got into tinkering with FP. So I haven't installed DH - Systems again, at least not yet. I also used to have some problems with it with Feudal States and places I was supposed to land for the missions in that OXP being gas giants. I always liked how it looked, though, and more than one planet in a system and some moons just feels more "realistic".
So maybe disable prison as a location if you have criminal status?
I wouldn't disable the location because of that, Zireael. It's not like they kill you or something, and it doesn't happen often anyway. As I recall, there's something about being held overnight and roughed up a bit and thrown out in the morning. If it actually is overnight in game time it could complicate making the deadline for a cargo (or passender, if you do those) contract, but it's not like the consequences are anything huge enough to change the OXPs locations for. At least not so far as I recall. It was a while ago that I had it happen. LOL

Re: Question on Planetfall OXP

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:37 am
by Thargoid
Yes, with PF installed all planets and moons have multiple locations, unless other OXPs are set to override and use their own locations in such destinations.

The problem with the DH - Systems was that it changes some system main planets to being gas giants, which PF doesn't allow landing on. Hence some other OXPs which rely on that (for example Feudal States and Planetfall Taxi) can get screwed up as a result. Personally I don't like the idea of gas giant main planets, as it doesn't really make sense canonically (the main station is around the main inhabited world of the system, which won't be a gas giant if other habitable planets exist in the system). So on my personal copy I removed that feature, although I must admit I later removed the OXP altogether and replaced it with System Demux as it's smaller too. But I believe that Cmdr Cheyd was going to revise that "feature" when he updated DH-S.

And lastly the locations you are referring to are the military base (planets) and the penal colony (moons). If you go there when you've got some bounty on your head (>25, so at least a mid-level offender) and don't leave immediately but try and do stuff (trade, equip etc - ie make yourself known) then you'll get arrested, slapped with a fine and a little jail time (as noted, designed to penalise you on cargo or passenger runs) and then sent on your way. But as you'll then have paid at least part of your dues to society, your bounty also gets lowered by an amount corresponding to the fine. The fine is also higher if you're a fugitive than just an offender, as is befitting.

Of course if you realise where you are and leave you will be OK, but if someone with a criminal record walks into a prison and tries to cut a deal on stuff, what do you expect to happen? :twisted:

Re: Question on Planetfall OXP

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:07 am
by Ganelon
Yeah, well it stands to reason that it was kinda dumb to stick around and see what was up on the cargo and gear screens when I'd landed at a prison while having a bounty on my head. LOL But hey, it was an adventure, and very logical that they'd react accordingly.

Personally, I thought it was a great touch.

I don't worry too much about the size of an OXP. If it's good eye candy or a neat sound set, I'd download a large file to get it. I've never tried System Demux, though, so it sounds like a good time to give it a shot and see what it's like.