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Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:50 am
by themacman
yeah, despite being told to go slow to dock I instead go as fast as I can and I find it to be way easier, but it's nice to have docking comptuers, but I make sure I can do it manually every once and a while in case it's damaged in the future.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:14 am
by Mirad Grameron
I find the one and only true way to 10/10 without ever blowing up in your entire oolite career is to go to your save game file, open it with TextEdit, change the credits to however much a docking comp costs, save, open Oolite, buy a docking comp, and live happily ever after. :twisted:

Seriously though, I find that the best technique is to line up at the beacon and inject fuel.

macman, I like the pic in your sig. :P