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Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:55 pm
by Eric Walch
Commander McLane wrote:
The AI-message is actually called "ODDS_BAD", and you are right, if the odds are calculated as bad, the pirate won't attack. Instead he will simply reach the "UPDATE"-message and begin another scan.
And this is one of the weaknesses of the current pirate scan. Odds are only calculated based on counts of both parties. And to add a random element, a random number is added to both sides before doing the comparison. This random number will make that in the end a solitary pirate will find an "ODDS_EVEN". Maybe the "ODDS_BAD" should be used to add a long pause before a next scan?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:42 pm
by Switeck
Smivs wrote:
From the Pirate AI
...suggesting that the pirates will weigh up the odds before attacking. There is not an "Odds_Poor", so presumably this defaults to a 'Don't attack'.
"ODDS_BAD" should default to "flee" for pirates. Being badly outgunned and likely to be shot at just because they're a pirate = certain death. And by flee, I mean even use witchfuel injectors at the start.

Were it possible, could the pirates instead declare themselves as "escorts" and seek out a pirate "mothership", such as a Python or even a Cobra 3 to build their limited force around?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:13 pm
by Commander McLane
Switeck wrote:
Were it possible, could the pirates instead declare themselves as "escorts" and seek out a pirate "mothership", such as a Python or even a Cobra 3 to build their limited force around?
Pirates already form ship groups (they are called "wolf packs" in this case), which basically behave like mothers and escorts, with the only difference that there is no mother defined, but an attack on any one of them triggers a response of them all. On top of that pirate Pythons usually do have escorts, which of course will behave exactly like escorts.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:45 pm
by Switeck
I meant lone pirates...flee till they can find friends.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:58 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
A part of the AI directs pirates to convene at a "loitering area", so it's not too uncommon to find large groups of retrobates hanging around waiting to spring an ambush.
When such a "loitering area" is encountered with a big gathering of pirates, expect a hairy furball indeed - the odds are definitely looking in their favor.