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Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:18 pm
by christina
thats bgs.. sorry

ALSO note i using a mac g keyboard... those slim line silver white things.... they are not good for touch typing ...always missing out leters


Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:22 am
by Svengali
christina wrote:
maybe the person who did the bsa images... very nice they are to.. wuld lke to add it????
He, yes BSE wasn't so far away when pagroove and I made it...

And no. This key is defined in keyconfig.plist and can be customized, so it's probably not a good idea to make it for all users. But I'll do a customversion of this pic and post it here.


Gamestart advice

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:34 am
by RafeZetter
Hi all - just found oolite completely by accident via starship modeller member who made a cobra mk III :) soooo jealous

Anyway christine, as for getting started, best bet if you havn't yet is simple runs from lave to leesti with food and liquor and such, sell your extra freebie weapons for extra credits. rinse and repeat. boring but safe.

Buy the cargo bay when you have enuff to do so and leave few hundred credits left, keep doing simple cargo runs.

I'd recommend doing safe runs until you can afford better laser, ecm at the very least, fuel scoop is good for collecting pods in space too.

You might be past that by now but there's my 2 creds just in case.

See you one day on Raxxla!!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:31 am
by DaddyHoggy
Welcome RafeZ!

(Did your spiders ever hatch?) :wink:


Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:03 am
by RafeZetter
hahaha yes they did, although I bought a book from the net called "spider taming for dummies" and now they work for me making knitted flightseat covers - you wouldn't believe how fast they can make one with those 8 legs!! - Now all I need to do is go see some guy called "Dargon" or summat and get him to loan me the money to market them.

Here take a free sample! :)