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Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:02 am
by Dustin542
Alright, thanks for the help.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:03 pm
by Phantom Hoover
It's great, but there are a few niggles I had (I've customised them away, so I'm just putting them here as constructive criticism). The first was that the target isn't highlighted when you have it lined up in your sights in on yellow alert, which is annoying if you are trying to snipe pirates who are running away. The second is that you seem to have set critical mode to activate whenever the energy banks drop below about 1.5 units, regardless of your shields, which tends to result in you suddenly losing your radar, firing pips and targeting enhancement when you ECM during a dogfight. Otherwise, it's a fantastic HUD, and nicely minimalistic compared to the irritating trend towards recreating a cockpit on your screen.

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:08 pm
by Zireael
I'm reminded why I love MilHUD... Installed it today and yay, just shot a couple of pirates! Excellent work!

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:48 am
by Zireael
Scanner Targeting Enhancement does not work when MilHUD is green. In yellow and red situation is normal. Is it a bug or decision by the author?

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:01 pm
by Zireael
BUMP and I'd like to know the answer....

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:53 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
"MilHUD 3.4 readme"=MODES: (See included screenshots)
- Docked: All instruments disabled when docked, except the clock and missile/mine display.
- Green: Gun pippers switched off, reticule sensetivity disabled; scanner, zoom, and sights turn green. A good indicator that you're clear to engage Supercruise.
- Yellow: A basic sniper gun pipper appears, reticule sensetivity disabled; scanner, zoom, and sights turn yellow. Masslocked, could be hostiles around. If you want to get in a pre-emptive strike, this mode lets you.
- Red: Gun pipper swiches to advanced mode, reticule sensetivity enabled; zoom and sights turn red, scanner takes on high-contrast blue-green. This is full combat mode, time to kick some ass.
- Critical: Gun pipper, reticule sensetivity, and most instruments disabled. A warning message appears. If you see this, then your shields are down, you're out of energy, and you're about to take a sudden, unwelcome spacewalk. Yank the eject handle.
Judging from this I'd assume it's intentional.

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:19 pm
by Zireael
It explains about reticle sensitivity, not about Scanner Targeting Enhancement (the green box around the targeted ship, if you don't know what it is).

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:26 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
I know what they are. Hence I used the word "assume". The HUD has most things turned off by default, and then as you progress from green to yellow to red more things are turned on. Hence I assume that the STE follows the same pattern.

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:48 pm
by Lone_Wolf
I looked in the code of the oxp and STE is specifically enabled in yellow and red situations, NOT in green

edit MilHUD-v3.4.oxp/Config/milhudgreen.plist


Code: Select all

	<key>dials</key><!-- these are drawn, in order, after the legends -->
and insert this :

Code: Select all

		<dict><!-- Targetting enhancement -->
That will enable STE for the green situation.

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:58 pm
by JazHaz
I would like to modify MilHUD to have message & comms gui boxes on screen, instead of messages scrolling up the middle of the screen. This thread, has a solution for other HUDs, but MilHUD's plist is the older type, and I can't work out how to apply it to MilHUD.

I previously used a workaround by sdrubble, which did work, but snarfed the Targeting Enhancement boxes. See this thread.

This is the code I would like to insert into MilHUD which have the settings for the message boxes I would use:

Code: Select all

message_gui =
   width      =  260; // WIDTH  OF 'INVISIBLE' BOX 
   height     =  180; // HEIGTH OF 'INVISIBLE' BOX  
   x          = -240; // HORIZONTAL OFFSET (more negative equals 'more left ')
   y          =  -25; // VERTICAL   OFFSET (more positive equals 'more up   ') 
   row_height =   10; // 
comm_log_gui =
   width      =  260; // WIDTH  OF 'VISIBLE'   BOX
   height     =  140; // HEIGTH OF 'VISIBLE'   BOX (grows towards TOP border) 
   x          =  210; // HORIZONTAL OFFSET of RIGHT-MOST BORDER (more positive equals 'more right')
   y          =  170; // VERTICAL   OFFSET of BOTTOM     BORDER (more positive equals 'more up   ')
   row_height =    9; // 

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:00 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
The (unwritten) license on all my creations is "go ahead and tweak, reuse, remix, whatever all you like, but never sell it, and be so kind as to drop me some credit if you remake it into something else."

So there ya go, Jaz. Recoding the oldstyle plist into the new style plist shouldn't be too hard to figure out, though sort of tedious.

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:43 pm
by JazHaz
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
The (unwritten) license on all my creations is "go ahead and tweak, reuse, remix, whatever all you like, but never sell it, and be so kind as to drop me some credit if you remake it into something else."

So there ya go, Jaz. Recoding the oldstyle plist into the new style plist shouldn't be too hard to figure out, though sort of tedious.
I appreciate that would be necessary, but I just don't have the skills. Looking at the wiki's Property List page, just makes my eyes glaze over and a headache start! :(

I might just have to give up on MilHUD, though I like it very much and try to find a similar HUD written in the newer format.

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:20 am
by JazHaz
JazHaz wrote:
I might just have to give up on MilHUD, though I like it very much and try to find a similar HUD written in the newer format.
Currently testing Chupacabra HUD, as it has a large scanner similar to MilHUD. However not sure I like the dials in the way of the action.

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:55 am
by Eldon
A thread with a python script for converting from xml to openstep can be found here.

Re: Release: Switching MilHUD

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:58 am
by JazHaz
Eldon wrote:
A thread with a python script for converting from xml to openstep can be found here.
Ooh! Will investigate, thanks!