Do not perform this step. The most recent version on Wings3D (at least on linux) performs the relevant tessellation during the OBJ export. It even selects triangulation be default.Flying Brick tutorial wrote:Now we need a quick trick to make life easier - choose 'faces' mode and press command-a to select all faces. Right-click and choose Tesselate and then Triangulate, which will make turn all the flat faces into bunches of triangles.
Let the export routine handle the tessellation by itself, rather than the manual tessellation Giles' tutorial suggests. I think this is why many people here had no problems - they were using a version of Wings3D which the tutorial was obviously written for.
P.S. To find a version of my ship which had not already been manually tessellated, I had to go back several save files; to an iteration which, I forgot, was accidentally twice as big as it should have been. When I tried to test docking with it (since it is a vertically built ship, rather than the horizontal norm) there were, shall we say.. complications