Right, and I have checked the framerate in the past, though hadn't with 1.73.4. I did it just now, got some interesting but not surprising results:JazHaz wrote:But when you are in station, things still happen outside. Ships still fly about and attack each other. ... Try pressing Shift-F before docking, and watch the FPS/Objects counts change whilst docked.caracal wrote:Maybe I'm wrong, but ... if it were graphics-related, wouldn't it drop off noticeably when I was in-station, when the only thing being displayed was a page full of the price of furs?
I ran a launch-witchjump-dock sequence through two different systems, got basically the same results both times.
- While sitting in the station, around 60 FPS, plus or minus no more than 3, very steady. Same when I was outside looking at nothing but stars.
- After launch, while the planet and nav buoy filled my screen, around 30 FPS, with occasional jumps to 60.
- After pitching up so I miss both the planet and the buoy, with the planet now about 25% of my screen, back to 60 FPS. Same when I use the rear view to watch the station recede behind me. More variation now, though, plus or minus 5 to 7.
- Closing in on the next station, 60 FPS when looking at either the planet or the station. Closer to 30 when both are on-screen.
- When (manual) docking, when the station fills my screen and beyond, back down to 30 FPS. Once I get very close, it dropped to around 18, which explains why I am seeing the jerkiness when docking at a constore. Don't notice it at the main station because I'm normally lined up very well, no maneuvering needed.
And it's interesting to note that the FPS value, as expected, varies immediately and directly according to the complexity of the scene being rendered. Updating the various goings-on outside the station while I'm inside has no graphics impact, and I imagine requires only a modest amount of CPU cycles. And at no time did my CPU usage change more than a few percent up or down, regardless of the reported framerate. Also as I would expect with mostly hardware rendering.
Yes, whenever I see those plaintive maydays or hear the buzzing of an ECM system, I always think, "Oh my, I should rush right out there andJazHaz wrote:That's why you occasionally get calls for help etc.
We each do what we can, and I know that every contribution is welcome. We can't all be coders, nor would we want that, else we wouldn't have things like the glorious artistic Griff ships, or your wiki pages, and so on.JazHaz wrote:I do what I can, can't code or draw for toffee, but can make wiki pages!! Glad someone has noticed!caracal wrote:Nice to see such an energetic and constructive new hand has joined the commOonity!
And yes, I noticed you on the forum soon after my return, and it's clear that you're a positive force and well regarded by others. Now quit blushing and go out and save somebody! Or kill somebody, whatever your preference.