Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:16 pm
It's not too difficult if you're fairly happy working with colour and alpha channels in an image editing program like photoshop or paintshop pro or GIMP, if you're not, don't worry you'll soon pick it up after a bit of head scratching, it's not too complex.El Viejo wrote:Question... how difficult would it be to add a paint colour to the underside of the Cobra?
It's a very minor thing, but it would complete the 'look'.
basically, this cobra shader uses 2 single colour image maps (similar to greyscale images) to work out where the paint is to go, how it works is these single colour images are recoloured using the paint value in the shipdata.plist and added into the final texture, black of course has RGB values of 0,0,0 and if you add 0 to a value there's no change, so basically in the paintmaps any bits that are are black don't get any paint applied (even though the shader has to actually calculate paint vales for every bit of the ship - one of the reasons that paintmaps are switched off in simple shader mode)
The 2 paintmaps are both in the Griff_cobra_mk3_mainhull_effects.png image, 1 is in the green channel and the other is in the alpha channel. a free program called XnView has a really handy extract channel command that will let you split out the green and alpha channels from the texture, so you can work on them or i could post up my texture file with the layers all seperated out if you'd like to work from that, basically you'll need to paint in some colour into the parts of the paintmap that coincide with the bottom of the hull
edit: i think i might have over complicated things, you could just use xnview to split the alpha from Griff_cobra_mk3_mainhull_diffuse_spec.png and save it somewhere for safekeeping whilst you recolour the rest of texture map in paint or gimp and then use GIMP to add the alpha channel back into the texture and resave it ready for Oolite