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Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:25 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Disembodied wrote:
Nah, the pigeons will have eaten it all by then. The commonest cause of death for pigeons in Glasgow is cholesterol poisoning ...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:24 pm
by Frame
Disembodied wrote:
Well, it snowed in Glasgow last night. Must have been, ooh, half an inch? It's all gone now though. But we ran out of grit a long time ago – we've been using the crispy bits from the bottom of deep-fat chip fryers for some time now.
recently. Some places here got as much as a meter of snow in one evening .. Bornholm, a Danish island south of sweden, is one big mess.

we got about 15 cencimeters of snow lying around now... but the parts of the country hit the worst, north and south have about 45 cm to 60 cm of snow..

I'm going to have my Wife transfer the pictures of the Caterpillar that cleared the snow from the road on the 9th of January making it seem as if we where driving in a valley of snow, this was in the north region. when she gets home that is...

Now its 3 degrees, the snow is melting, but then again: freezing in the night.

at least my county got 7 tons of salt today I heard, seems like they used it too.. the road was fine..

but then until monday night. no more snow, accordingly to the weather folks..

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:36 pm
by Selezen
I work in Matlock, Derbyshire. At 3pm it started snowing. At 5pm when I finished my car was covered in an inch and a half of snow. The temperature was 0 celsius. Cars and lorries struggles to navigate hills and people were out in snow shows and ski poles and sledges.

I drove home to Derby, 25 miles away, and it was clear and dry and 3 degrees!