Crash at Esusti

For test results, bug reports, announcements of new builds etc.

Moderators: winston, another_commander, Getafix

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Post by Screet »

Kaks wrote:
While you still have my eternal gratitude (for another few days at least) for discovering why windows sometimes really don't like timers, the random doom mongering really puzzles me.
Really, I simply do want to know if it still happens with DEP off:
1) this might give a workaround for troubled OOliteers while the bug is tracked down
2) that could very well indicate that something has been deleted and still is accessed (most probably a timer, but I also can imagine this with other bugs like deleting textures and then trying to access them)

OOlite, for me, is now ROCK STABLE. I know there are ways to crash it, but really, the current patching of scripts seems to have solved things for me. I'm also very glad that the multithreading has improved so much in the recent months...really, oolite is just great and I would not spend so much time on it if it weren't!
Kaks wrote:
If you've already got a patch that would neatly stop Oolite from clashing with DEP, I for one would be very interested to hear about it. One option we have - of course - is to remove timers altogether from the js implementation, so no OXPs can use this very much accident prone feature. It would kill a few very much liked OXPs though.
I already suggested that with a slight modification:
Remove timers from JS, but give an oolite interface to register for timer events. This way Oolite will always know when the source using the timer has been deleted and can kill off the timer itself. That also would allow to use fewer "real" timers which can help (at least with MFC).
Kaks wrote:
Of course we're hampered by the fact none of the developers have got XP 64 bit, which of course seems to behave slightly differently to either the more common XP (32 bits) or Vista 64 bits.
My development system does have an XP 64 original, but I can't use that for running gdb as the development environment won't run under 64 bit Windows OS - and I still would require much help because somehow my debug builds don't give the expected details yet and gdb is also not a tool that I ever used outside oolite. My experience is with VisualStudio and C++...
Kaks wrote:
Somewhere else you told us that another game (the one you are developing for a selected group of friends) was running foul of DEP, and you managed to solve that issue.
I thought I also wrote that already: The problem was that when I did quit that game the destruction sequence of object was badly chosen, thus some parts were deleted and still trying to execute. When there's no code in that can crash itself, DEP still will notice it :) That's why I said that turning ON DEP is a good way to find bugs which otherwise go unnoticed, but that it can be very helpful for people having trouble to switch it off (until the situation has been fixed).

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Post by Garrett »

Hey guys,

Just to confirm, I have tried it tonight on my XP x64 with DEP off for Oolite, and it still crashes at the same place - when I fly towards the sun at Esusti.

Rather strangely, if I just sit at the Witchspace beacon and don't move, the game is perfectly happy and carries on running. I have tried it for 30min, and the game hasn't crashed. I can see other ships, including the Commie Vipers with the flashing lights. It's only when I fly around, and in particular, towards the sun. Strange...

OK when sat at beacon and flying locally: ... eemsok.jpg

Crashes when I fly towards the planet or the sun: ... crash2.jpg

Any thoughts? At least this shows it's not the police ships in Commies.
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Post by Kaks »

If it's something similar to the asp problem, Oolite might well crash only when it tries to draw the problem 'ship' (if an entity is far away, Oolite won't even try to render it). In this circumstance, the ship is most likely a station.

There is one pretty quick way to see if the crash is due to a commie station.

When Oolite starts, answer 'N' to 'Load Previous Commander?', but don't press space. You'll see a rotating coriolis station. Press the left arrow key, the display will show the last ship in your demo ships list. Keep using the left arrow key, and if your crashes are due to one of the commie models, you should have a crashed oolite in a very short time...
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by Garrett »

Bingo! It's the "Collective ZGF" - it instantly crashes as soon as that ship is selected on the "Press Space, Commander" screen. No image of the "ship" is shown at all.
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Eric Walch
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Post by Eric Walch »

Garrett wrote:
Bingo! It's the "Collective ZGF" - it instantly crashes as soon as that ship comes up on the "Press Space, Commander" screen.
Hmm. that is also one with many different texture files like the asp. However, there are many other oxp's with more than one texture file.

You might try turning texture debug on.

To do so, open the oolite folder, find the Config folder inside it and copy the file "logcontrol.plist to your config folder in addOns. (I don't like changing the originals and oolite will now use your copy for logcontrol)

Find now the word: "$textureDebug = no;" in this copy and change it into "$textureDebug = yes;" When you now restart it should log all loading and releasing of texture files. Maybe that logs an error. :?

You might also download this. It is a version of commies were I re-saved the three station models with drydock. (only the .mod files, not the texture files) I am currently working on it and the other two stations I had already re-centred so the target reticule fits better around the station when targeting.
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Post by Garrett »

OK, be prepared for a big log file :)

Code: Select all

[log.header]: Opening log for Oolite version 1.73.4 (x86-32 test release) under Windows at 2009-10-15 21:50:06 +0100.
4 processors detected.
Oolite Options: [Procedural Planets] [Docking Clearance] [Wormhole Scanner] [Target Incoming Missiles]

Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.

[joystickHandler.init]: Number of joysticks detected: 0
[display.mode.list.native]: Windows native resolution detected: 1280 x 1024
[rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.2 ("2.1.2")
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 7950 GT/PCI/SSE2
[rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (125):
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control 
[searchPaths.dumpAll]: ---> OXP search paths:
(Resources, ../AddOns, ../AddOns/Commies.oxp, "../AddOns/x-ships.oxp")
[dataCache.rebuild.explicitFlush]: Cache explicitly flushed with shift key. Rebuilding from scratch.
[shipData.load.begin]: Loading ship data...
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-font.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture trumblekit.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[]: Loaded 6 world scripts: "communist_population" 2.08, "oolite-cloaking-device" 1.73.4, "oolite-constrictor-hunt" 1.73.4, "oolite-nova" 1.73.4, "oolite-thargoid-plans" 1.73.4, "oolite-trumbles" 1.73.4
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra3_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture missile.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-star-1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-2.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-3.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-4.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[texture.planet.generate]: genning texture for land_fraction 0.65000
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 0.
[textureCache.fill]: Adding 128 elements to texture names cache.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 127.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture back_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture bottom_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture dark_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture arcdetail.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture blur256.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture anaconda_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra3_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture boa2_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture sidewinder_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture mamba_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture moray_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture mamba_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra1_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture ferdelance_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture aegidian-xships-asp.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture python-x.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture sidewinder-x.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture asp_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture krait_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture python_redux2.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture moray_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture asteroid.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture target_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-font.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 126.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 126 (1024x1024 pixels, Textures/oolite-font.png:0x0417/0/-0.75)
[dataCache.willWrite]: About to write data cache.
[dataCache.write.success]: Wrote data cache.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture viper_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture trumblekit.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra3_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 125.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 125 (512x512 pixels, Textures/cobra3_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture missile.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-star-1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-2.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-4.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-3.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture back_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 124.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 124 (256x256 pixels, Textures/back_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture bottom_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 123.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 123 (256x256 pixels, Textures/bottom_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture dark_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 122.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 122 (256x256 pixels, Textures/dark_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture arcdetail.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 121.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 121 (256x256 pixels, Textures/arcdetail.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture blur256.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 120.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 120 (256x256 pixels, Textures/blur256.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture anaconda_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra3_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture boa2_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 119.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 119 (512x512 pixels, Textures/boa2_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture transporter_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture sidewinder_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture mamba_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture moray_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture mamba_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra1_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture ferdelance_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture aegidian-xships-asp.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture python-x.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture sidewinder-x.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture asp_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture krait_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture python_redux2.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture moray_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture asteroid.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture target_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture viper_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture transporter_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 118.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 118 (512x512 pixels, Textures/transporter_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 117.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 117 (256x256 pixels, Textures/metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra1_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra1_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 116.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 116 (512x512 pixels, Textures/cobra1_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture worm_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture worm_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 115.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 115 (512x512 pixels, Textures/worm_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 114.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 114 (512x512 pixels, Textures/viper_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 113.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 113 (256x256 pixels, Textures/asteroid.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-barrel-specular.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture barrel_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture left_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-barrel-specular.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 112.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 112 (128x128 pixels, Textures/oolite-barrel-specular.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture barrel_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 111.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 111 (256x256 pixels, Textures/barrel_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture left_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 110.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 110 (256x256 pixels, Textures/left_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture python_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture python_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 109.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 109 (512x512 pixels, Textures/python_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture flare256.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 108.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 108 (256x256 pixels, Textures/missile.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture thargon_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture flare256.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture thargon_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 107.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 107 (512x512 pixels, Textures/thargon_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture thargoid_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture thargoid_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 106.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 106 (512x512 pixels, Textures/thargoid_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture boa_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture boa_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 105.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 105 (512x512 pixels, Textures/boa_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture shuttle_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture shuttle_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 104.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 104 (512x512 pixels, Textures/shuttle_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 103.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 103 (512x512 pixels, Textures/sidewinder_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture pod2_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 102.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 102 (512x512 pixels, Textures/moray_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture nucargo.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture wreck.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 101.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 101 (512x512 pixels, Textures/mamba_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 100.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 100 (512x512 pixels, Textures/krait_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 99.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 99 (512x512 pixels, Textures/ferdelance_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture gecko_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture pod2_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture nucargo.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture wreck.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture gecko_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 98.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 98 (512x512 pixels, Textures/gecko_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 97.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 97 (512x512 pixels, Textures/anaconda_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 96.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 96 (512x512 pixels, Textures/pod2_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture adder_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture adder_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 95.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 95 (512x512 pixels, Textures/adder_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 94.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 94 (512x512 pixels, Textures/asp_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture sunray.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture sunray.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 93.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 93 (512x512 pixels, Textures/sunray.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyahmain.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyah01.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyah01.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyahmain.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 92.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 92 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyahmain.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 91.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 91 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyah01.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture workcom_0.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture workcom_0.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 90.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 90 (512x512 pixels, Textures/workcom_0.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture python_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyah02.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture python_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyah02.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 89.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 89 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyah02.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comguard.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comguard.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 88.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 88 (512x512 pixels, Textures/comguard.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyah03.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyah03.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 87.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 87 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyah03.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfchim.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfface.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfhull.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfpanel.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfthb.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture slapu-dock.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfhull.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfchim.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 86.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 86 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfchim.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfpanel.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfface.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 85.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 85 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfface.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 84.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 84 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfhull.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 83.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 83 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfpanel.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfthb.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 82.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 82 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfthb.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
Does this help? I went through the various ships in the "Press Space Commander" screen until it crashed again at the Collective ZGF ship.

Edit - I tried Eric's commies.oxp file, but it gave the same crash when scrolling through the ships. On the plus side, I tried scrolling the other way this time, and it crashed on Collective ZGF, so I think that is the only one faulty somehow. Thanks everyone for your efforts!
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Commander McLane
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Post by Commander McLane »

Somehow this rung a bell.

I seem to remember that I had an issue with the Collective ZGF on my system as well. I also seem to remember that I was able to fix it (currently it is working fine). However, I don't remember how I fixed it. :oops:

Will re-download the OXP and compare to my version.
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Eric Walch
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Post by Eric Walch »

Garrett wrote:
Does this help? I went through the various ships in the "Press Space Commander" screen until it crashed again at the Collective ZGF ship.
Of cause I would have hoped it logged an irregularity here. This log seems very normal. Only difference with my log

Code: Select all

[textureCache.allocate] OOOpenGL.m:167: Request for texture name while cache size is 116.
[texture.upload] OOTexture.m:589: Uploaded texture 116 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfthb.png:0x0006/0/0)
is that I always have other numbers at the end. But that does not meaning anything. I also do not know what: :0x0006/0/0) means.

However, as changing the mod and texture file helped you with the asp, I would expect the same here. The mod did not help, so now I re-saved all the 5 texture files belonging to this station. On doing so I noticed they became 10% larger. This means it used an other compression format than my current texture editor. Maybe here lies a problem. I uploaded it at the same link as mentioned before. (Now 200 k bigger).
McLane wrote:
I seem to remember that I had an issue with the Collective ZGF on my system as well. I also seem to remember that I was able to fix it (currently it is working fine). However, I don't remember how I fixed it.
That would mean it could also give an issue on a mac. I hadn't noticed any thing myself. Not now nor in the past on my G4 mac.
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Post by Garrett »

Thanks, but I still get the crash :( Here is the end of the log file:

Code: Select all

[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture slapu-dock.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfchim.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 86.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 86 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfchim.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfface.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 85.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 85 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfface.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfhull.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 84.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 84 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfhull.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfpanel.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 83.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 83 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfpanel.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfthb.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 82.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 82 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfthb.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
I'm at a bit of a loss now, but thanks for the help. Kaks said in my previous Topict that he merged the textures into one file - is that possible with the Collective ZGF? I know it is a much bigger ship, which is why I am unsure.
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Post by Kaks »

Somehow the way Oolite deals with the last texture listed inside a .dat can lead to crashes inside win XP 64. At this point I'd say it's something to do more with the .dat handling, rather than the texture files themselves.

I'm going to try and see if I can help with the zpf model too, unless Commander McLane gets there first.
I should have a replacement ready sometime this evening. Given that fixing the asp was more down to luck than anything else, I wouldn't rise my hopes too high, though!
Hey, free OXPs: farsun v1.05 & tty v0.5! :0)
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Post by Garrett »

That's OK, thanks for having a go! If it doesn't work then I will just go back to using other OXP's and leave Commies for a bit. It only causes problems as Esusti and a few other Communist worlds, not all. I appreciate that this doesn't help the community though! So I'll keep a save-game at this point, and happily try out various fixes if people want to throw them my way.
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Commander McLane
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Post by Commander McLane »

It seems I didn't fiddle with the model or the textures (no changed dates), so my memory may be faulty. I think the my problem was related to the shipdata problems, like the faulty flashers. But these are fixed in the latest release anyway.

So, I am as much at loss as anybody else here.
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Eric Walch
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Post by Eric Walch »

Garrett wrote:
I'm at a bit of a loss now, but thanks for the help. Kaks said in my previous Topict that he merged the textures into one file - is that possible with the Collective ZGF? I know it is a much bigger ship, which is why I am unsure.
Different textures within one dat file should generally not lead to problems. e.g. all oolite's own barrels use two texture files and there are many more ships that do that. In your case it is something else that makes this ship special.
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Post by Garrett »

Further testing revealed the game did NOT crash at Esusti when I turned off Shaders in the game options, and I can see the Collective ZGF ship on the "Press Space, Commander" screen.

Here is the log file (apologies for it being long!):

Code: Select all

[log.header]: Opening log for Oolite version 1.73.4 (x86-32 test release) under Windows at 2009-10-17 00:48:59 +0100.
4 processors detected.
Oolite Options: [Procedural Planets] [Docking Clearance] [Wormhole Scanner] [Target Incoming Missiles]

Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.

[joystickHandler.init]: Number of joysticks detected: 0
[display.mode.list.native]: Windows native resolution detected: 1280 x 1024
[rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.2 ("2.1.2")
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 7950 GT/PCI/SSE2
[rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (125):
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control 
[searchPaths.dumpAll]: ---> OXP search paths:
(Resources, ../AddOns, ../AddOns/Commies.oxp, ../AddOns/wolfmk2.oxp)
[dataCache.rebuild.explicitFlush]: Cache explicitly flushed with shift key. Rebuilding from scratch.
[shipData.load.begin]: Loading ship data...
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-font.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture trumblekit.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[]: Loaded 6 world scripts: "communist_population" 2.08, "oolite-cloaking-device" 1.73.4, "oolite-constrictor-hunt" 1.73.4, "oolite-nova" 1.73.4, "oolite-thargoid-plans" 1.73.4, "oolite-trumbles" 1.73.4
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra3_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture missile.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-star-1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-2.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-3.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture oolite-nebula-4.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[texture.planet.generate]: genning texture for land_fraction 0.65000
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 0.
[textureCache.fill]: Adding 128 elements to texture names cache.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 127.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture back_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture bottom_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture dark_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture arcdetail.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture blur256.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra1_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra3_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture moray_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture python_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture moray_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture ferdelance_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture gecko_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture cobra1_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture krait_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture mamba_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture asp_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture python_redux2.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture mamba_redux1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture sidewinder_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture viper_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture asteroid.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture target_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-font.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 126.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 126 (1024x1024 pixels, Textures/oolite-font.png:0x0417/0/-0.75)
[dataCache.willWrite]: About to write data cache.
[dataCache.write.success]: Wrote data cache.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture trumblekit.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra3_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 125.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 125 (512x512 pixels, Textures/cobra3_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture missile.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-star-1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-2.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-4.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture oolite-nebula-3.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture back_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 124.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 124 (256x256 pixels, Textures/back_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture bottom_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 123.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 123 (256x256 pixels, Textures/bottom_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture dark_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 122.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 122 (256x256 pixels, Textures/dark_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture arcdetail.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 121.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 121 (256x256 pixels, Textures/arcdetail.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture blur256.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 120.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 120 (256x256 pixels, Textures/blur256.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture boa2_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra1_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra3_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture moray_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture python_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture moray_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture ferdelance_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture gecko_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture cobra1_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture krait_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture mamba_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture asp_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture python_redux2.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture mamba_redux1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture sidewinder_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture viper_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture asteroid.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture target_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture boa2_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 119.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 119 (512x512 pixels, Textures/boa2_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture transporter_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture transporter_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 118.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 118 (512x512 pixels, Textures/transporter_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.016000 seconds for texture metal.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 117.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 117 (256x256 pixels, Textures/metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 116.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 116 (512x512 pixels, Textures/cobra1_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture worm_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture worm_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 115.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 115 (512x512 pixels, Textures/worm_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 114.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 114 (512x512 pixels, Textures/viper_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 113.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 113 (256x256 pixels, Textures/asteroid.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture adder_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture barrel_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture left_metal.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture adder_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture barrel_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 112.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 112 (256x256 pixels, Textures/barrel_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture left_metal.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 111.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 111 (256x256 pixels, Textures/left_metal.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 110.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 110 (512x512 pixels, Textures/python_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 109.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 109 (256x256 pixels, Textures/missile.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture thargon_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture thargon_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 108.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 108 (512x512 pixels, Textures/thargon_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture flare256.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture thargoid_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture flare256.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.stall]: Waited 0.031000 seconds for texture thargoid_redux.png to load.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 107.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 107 (512x512 pixels, Textures/thargoid_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture boa_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture boa_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 106.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 106 (512x512 pixels, Textures/boa_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture shuttle_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture shuttle_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 105.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 105 (512x512 pixels, Textures/shuttle_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 104.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 104 (512x512 pixels, Textures/sidewinder_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 103.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 103 (512x512 pixels, Textures/moray_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 102.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 102 (512x512 pixels, Textures/mamba_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 101.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 101 (512x512 pixels, Textures/krait_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 100.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 100 (512x512 pixels, Textures/ferdelance_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 99.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 99 (512x512 pixels, Textures/gecko_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture anaconda_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture anaconda_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 98.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 98 (512x512 pixels, Textures/anaconda_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture pod2_redux.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture pod2_redux.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 97.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 97 (512x512 pixels, Textures/pod2_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 96.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 96 (512x512 pixels, Textures/adder_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 95.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 95 (512x512 pixels, Textures/asp_redux.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture sunray.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture sunray.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 94.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 94 (512x512 pixels, Textures/sunray.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyahmain.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyah01.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyahmain.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 93.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 93 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyahmain.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyah01.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 92.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 92 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyah01.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture workcom_0.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture workcom_0.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 91.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 91 (512x512 pixels, Textures/workcom_0.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyah02.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyah02.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 90.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 90 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyah02.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comguard.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comguard.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 89.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 89 (512x512 pixels, Textures/comguard.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyah03.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyah03.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 88.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 88 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyah03.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfchim.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfface.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfhull.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfpanel.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture czgfthb.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture slapu-dock.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfface.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfhull.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfchim.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 87.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 87 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfchim.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 86.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 86 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfface.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 85.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 85 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfhull.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfpanel.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 84.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 84 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfpanel.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture czgfthb.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 83.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 83 (512x512 pixels, Textures/czgfthb.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture slapu-dock.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 82.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 82 (512x512 pixels, Textures/slapu-dock.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyah04.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyah04.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 81.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 81 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyah04.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture wreck.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture workcom_1.png
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture wreck.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture workcom_1.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 80.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 80 (512x512 pixels, Textures/workcom_1.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[textureLoader.asyncLoad]: Loading texture comyah05.png
[texture.dealloc]: Deallocating and uncaching texture <OOTexture 0x7c67d90 [1]>{Textures/moray_redux1.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25, loading}
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.done]: Loading complete.
[textureLoader.asyncLoad.notStall]: Texture comyah05.png loaded asynchronously.
[textureCache.allocate]: Request for texture name while cache size is 79.
[texture.upload]: Uploaded texture 79 (256x256 pixels, Textures/comyah05.png:0x0007/0.5/-0.25)
[gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2009-10-17 00:51:25 +0100.
If it helps, my graphics card is an nVidia GeForce 7950GT 512Mb PCI-E, with the 64-bit drivers version 178.13 from the nVidia website.
---- E L I T E ----
---- E L I T E ----
Posts: 1883
Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:02 am
Location: Bremen, Germany

Post by Screet »

Garrett wrote:
If it helps, my graphics card is an nVidia GeForce 7950GT 512Mb PCI-E, with the 64-bit drivers version 178.13 from the nVidia website.
So you should update your drivers and give it a try with full shaders!

Currently these are the newest (if I didn't select anything wrong):

I took your crash test file for a problems with Vista64 and GTX295 (191.07 drivers). Will try on my other system later, but I'm sure it's the massively outdated driver that is causing problems! Thus, hopefully, you only have to update it and everything is fine again! Please let us know wether it works or not!

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