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Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:03 am
by Selezen
DaddyHoggy wrote:
@Selezen - watch this space - I'm writing a Red 12 Drifter story (at some point in the near future) - and if you're ever in the Newbury area - give me a nudge I'm sure we can find somewhere to have a drink (but the droids will have to stay outside)
You're on. The droids were taken away by stormtroopers so that's no problem. However, the likelihood of me being in Newbury is remote! If I do, though, you'll be the first to know. Apart from Passport Control.

Likewise, if you're ever up in Derby drop me a line and we can meet up. I'm not 14 and I don't like puppies.

EDIT: having just looked at a map, you're not a great distance away from Bristol, and we often visit my sister in law there... The wife might authorise a small independent side trip... ;-)