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Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:22 pm
by Sendraks
I'd concur with the spambot theory, although I can imagine a fair few are from people who signed up to get a specific question answered and then either a) forgot or b) found the answer.

I suspect some folk also signed up with the expectation of having some fun discussions about Elite and then got scared by the highly technical content of many of threads here. A lot of posts here leave me slack jawed and drooling when I try to understand them, but then I'm coming to the world of coding and 3d model building completely cold.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:54 pm
by Xexedi
Sendraks wrote:
I'd concur with the spambot theory, although I can imagine a fair few are from people who signed up to get a specific question answered and then either a) forgot or b) found the answer.

I suspect some folk also signed up with the expectation of having some fun discussions about Elite and then got scared by the highly technical content of many of threads here. A lot of posts here leave me slack jawed and drooling when I try to understand them, but then I'm coming to the world of coding and 3d model building completely cold.
Yes, I would have to agree with that having looked around a little bit to day here there dose seem to be a lot of talented ppl around here.
It could leave some ppl feeling a bit thick :oops: lol Not me of course I tells ye :?

Still I have asked 2 questions here to day and had them both answered.
I am impressed with this place :)

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:01 pm
by KZ9999
Xexedi wrote:
Sendraks wrote:
I suspect some folk also signed up with the expectation of having some fun discussions about Elite and then got scared by the highly technical content of many of threads here. A lot of posts here leave me slack jawed and drooling when I try to understand them, but then I'm coming to the world of coding and 3d model building completely cold.
Yes, I would have to agree with that having looked around a little bit to day here there dose seem to be a lot of talented ppl around here.
It could leave some ppl feeling a bit thick :oops: lol Not me of course I tells ye :?
The fact is, everyone can contribute in someway or another. I'm a classic case in point. I've revamped the OoliteRS, working on the `vapourware' game manual, and got stuff in the Oolite Icon competition. I would never call myself a great artist or designer, and I sure as heck a poor coder, but I'm doing this stuff because I want to contribute in some way. Even if a member doesn't feel like they create stuff, there is still a need for them. Voice (typing :?) an opinion or suggestion helps push us creative types in directions they would otherwise miss. There is always a need for people to play test the oxps, and quality check other stuff (like spell checking my work :) ). People should never be afraid to contribute in some small way. After all this is the the friendliest board this side of Riedquatâ„¢. No one going to flame them for what they have to say; unlike a lot of boards I could mention.