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Do you want to try out trunk, but can't compile it yourself?

News and discussion of the PC port of Oolite.

Moderators: winston, another_commander

Why have you downloaded this installer?

I want to test the OXP I'm making.
I want to help with debugging the game/an OXP.
I'm curious to see what all the fuss is about.
I'm too impatient to wait for the 1.73 release. I just wanna play the latest and greatest.
I haven't downloaded it, or, I can build it myself
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Post by Diziet Sma »

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Post by MerlynUK »

Thanks for the new build !

Noticed a bug though, the Function keys do not appear to be working correctly, F2 brings up the system info screen and F3 the chart screen, the number keys are working fine however. Not a biggie but though I should mention it.

I'm on Windows 7 RC 64 bit if that is of any help!


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Post by Diziet Sma »

MerlynUK wrote:
Thanks for the new build !

Noticed a bug though, the Function keys do not appear to be working correctly, F2 brings up the system info screen and F3 the chart screen, the number keys are working fine however. Not a biggie but though I should mention it.

I'm on Windows 7 RC 64 bit if that is of any help!


Thanks for the report, but you need to mention things like this in Testing and Bug reports. I just build the installer from the latest version of the source-code provided by the developers.. My programming skills are too rusty to do any coding on the game itself.

Edit to add:
I hadn't run the 2277 version since building it, but now I have checked it, and it's all working fine on my machine... (XP Pro SP3) so I would suspect a custom keyconfig.plist (if you use one) or maybe a joystick profile as the likely culprits for this strange behaviour.. the key-handling code in trunk has not been messed with for a long time now..
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Post by Svengali »

Diziet Sma wrote:
MerlynUK wrote:
Noticed a bug though, the Function keys do not appear to be working correctly, F2 brings up the system info screen and F3 the chart screen, the number keys are working fine however. Not a biggie but though I should mention it.
I hadn't run the 2277 version since building it, but now I have checked it, and it's all working fine on my machine... (XP Pro SP3)...
On XP too and no probs. 2277 and 2279.

btw: Dizzy, nice shiny new installer :-)
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Post by Lestradae »

Don't know what's the issue, but I decided to try out your installer, downloaded SVN 2290, noticed that 2292 was available about five minutes later :lol:

Reattempted to download SVN 2292 installer, my explorer got stuck in a loop so bad that I couldn't even close it down via Windows Task Manager but had to switch off my computer and restart ...

Second attempt I could download the installer, but when I activated it it got into a loop again and - same as above.

Any idea what's happening here? Mine is a Vista system ...


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Post by Diziet Sma »

I read about the 2290 update, updated, built and uploaded it, did some more reading around the forum, noticed a post by Kaks saying he'd just done a couple of bugfixes, so I checked and lo and behold, now it was up to 2292, so I built and uploaded again... :mrgreen:

From your description I'm not sure if you mean Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer, but the loop/freeze you describe is common enough to both.. I suspect it was just bad luck/timing..

I've just downloaded to another pc from my site, it downloaded ok, installed and runs ok.. (also XP, no Vista machines in the house sorry) so I'm inclined to think you were just very unlucky.

2292 also installs and runs fine on my XP SP3 system. I'd suspect you need to uninstall 2292 and reboot a couple of times before downloading and trying again.

Whether you succeed or fail when you try again, please let me know how you go... despite my disclaimer, I don't like to break people's computers.
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Post by Svengali »

@L: Do you have a heat problem on your machine? A lot of strange things can happen then - mem-errors, cpu/gpu rounding errors, black screens, blue screens,...

A indicator is if your cpu workload is higher than usual.
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Post by Diziet Sma »

That's a good point.. especially considering Lestradae's recent problems when he tried his usual svn up to make his own build using a_c's method. It could well be hardware related.

@L: Do you have any software on your system to monitor cpu temp, fan speeds, stuff like that?
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Post by Lestradae »

OK, action one: redownloaded the installer for SVN 2292 again, watching the CPU load. At the beginning and especially the end of the download that load suddenly went through the roof. During download, CPU load around 2%. Beginning of download: 70%. End of download: Everything slowed down, 99%!

I will re-attempt installation with everything closed but the task manager next.

EDIT: OK, so there is something very wrong with this installer. Got the loop thing again, it doesn't even ask me the stupid Vista question if it may install.

Tried to tell it to install it in "Windows XP Compatibility Mode" - suddenly, the system did ask me "may I do this", I said yes, then I got a message "trunk already installed on this system". That's true - but the "myoolite" trunk, not the installer trunk?!?

Could this be some crap with Vista's hidden files again? I had the installer already install in the past, but deleted these files - perhaps the hidden folder has kept something again?

EDIT.2: It has to do with the installer. Even right-clicking on it brings me the loop!

When I at last manage to close down the page that shows me drive D: from the loop, every icon on my desktop disappears for a few seconds. When I go to drive D:, just showing me the icons gets nearly stuck when it gets to the installer for some reason.

Nothing else on my system behaves like that. As long as no alternate solution comes up, I have to suspect the installer :(

No new SVN's for me then atm, as the svn up also isn't what it was ...

EDIT.3: The installer is difficult to delete. I am told it has 0 bytes ... doesn't anyone else have any problems with the installer? Now my bin has gotten slooooow with it!

:shock: :? :(
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Post by Diziet Sma »

Mate.. I am so sorry for all this trouble.. but truly I suspect there is something deeper going on here, because of the issues you were experiencing before you even tried the installer. See this post in the building from source thread. I'm also beginning to wonder if there is some conflict between your trunk install and mine... If anybody else is using my installer on Vista, can you please let me know if it is causing problems or if it is working fine?

Edit: Ok.. it seems to work properly for DaddyHoggy... can anybody else confirm?
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Post by Lestradae »

Diziet Sma wrote:
Mate.. I am so sorry for all this trouble.. but truly I suspect there is something deeper going on here, because of the issues you were experiencing before you even tried the installer.
Diziet Sma, this is in no way whatever your fault! It's entirely possible that there is a hardware problem - the laptop I'm working on had a near-fatal breakdown and was in repair for a month - I have a new graphics card from the firm which make strange little stripes onto the screen all five minutes with the newest graphics drivers ...

Could also be that something Vista is going on, with hidden files, that could explain the installer claiming that the trunk had already been installed etc.

I will attempt to re-install the trunk and get the newest version from there, that has been working flawlessly until now and I will then report if it did so again.

Thanks for your efforts :(

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