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Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:36 am
by KZ9999
Alex wrote:
They could be disputed territory which there is a constant propaganda war and constant 'terrorist' attacks. Or it could be neutral territory where the power blocks officially play nice but wage a war of espionage.
I think losing they worlds would be a big mistake and make the galaxy imossible to play except in the mode that you have just 'Dictated'
I actually meant to say was 'you wouldn't even have to lose those worlds.' Dang my budget keyboard and hurried posting.

I would have to dig though the charts in details to support this... I think with the region effectively in thirds, you have the classic Cold War USA vers CCCP and Europe in the middle battle-lines. Both sides (USA & CCCP) maintained very aggressive trade and support polices publicly while waging a covert war in the background. Europe played both sides off each other to keep themselves safe.

In the terms of Oolite, all trade/travel would be normal. What players would notice is the odd carrier contract with a much higher price than normal. Taking them would result in higher than normal pirate activity all targeting them. Maybe they still get paid in full even when they deliver them behind schedule simply because they kept the other side busy while the real stuff made it unmolested. This is all without a single mission being offered. This out of the norm gameplay change will keep the player off balance when it comes to G4 and add to the overall richness of the GCW.

I wondered how hard that would be to code as a OXP...

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:03 pm
by Ramirez
The plot of my Trident Down mission OXP is entirely based on the fact that Galaxy 4 seems to consist of just four government types, with the democracies and communists states trying to spread their influence amongst the multi-governments and anarchies.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:13 am
by KZ9999
Ramirez wrote:
The plot of my Trident Down mission OXP is entirely based on the fact that Galaxy 4 seems to consist of just four government types...
Well that's me told :lol:
That's what I get for spending all my time in the un-oxped version of oolite for the manual project. I haven't played my expanded set-up version for months, with that very oxp installed.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:23 am
by ClymAngus
Ramirez wrote:
The plot of my Trident Down mission OXP is entirely based on the fact that Galaxy 4 seems to consist of just four government types, with the democracies and communists states trying to spread their influence amongst the multi-governments and anarchies.
Do you have anything to add to the map making? You know in light of your oxp?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:15 am
by Commander McLane
Any thoughts about the fact that there are other missions located in Gal 4 as well? Notably Nova, Deposed, and Lovecats. How would they fit into a Galaxy-4-special-war-scenario?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:13 pm
by ClymAngus
Commander McLane wrote:
Any thoughts about the fact that there are other missions located in Gal 4 as well? Notably Nova, Deposed, and Lovecats. How would they fit into a Galaxy-4-special-war-scenario?
Hmm any spoilers floating around that I can view before formulating an answer?

love cats is Teance near a war zone but has a system buffering it. It probably supplies a good deal of materials to closer war systems but that's about it.

As far as I can tell Nova is counter based and could happen anywhere. No harm no foul.

deposed Edorqu, slap bang in what's left of galcorp space, with resources streched by the war I can see why civilians might be being recruited.
GEBIISSO safe system. Esarqure near a war zone, good place for pirates to hang out. ENANAR another safe system. ONMAAR safe system. ATBITELA safe system. Usesri VERY safe system. BIEN on the main supply route down to the Lower insurgency. Plenty of room to skim profits. War profiteering, tisk tisk Mr Drile!

I think thats about it. So yes, I think we're looking good for these 3.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:35 am
by Zbond-Zbond
In my G4 there is no Gebiiso. It has gone nova.

Getting around is a bit of a pain in that quadrant :x

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:51 am
by ClymAngus
Zbond-Zbond wrote:
In my G4 there is no Gebiiso. It has gone nova.

Getting around is a bit of a pain in that quadrant :x
Isnt it gebiisso?

so that leaves ESISRAAN and ZAUSMAOR? That's a bit out of the way. I wonder if you delete the oxp if you get your planet back.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:10 pm
by Zbond-Zbond
Yes, it is Gebiisso; the only way across is via Esisraan, which is a bit inconvienient. In previous Nova missions, it was Enle and Zamaso - that is, Nova missions in earlier saved games. I had to go back that far to re-undertake the cloaking device fiasco when I missed the unusual cargo container!!!!!!!!!

But the thing is that since the Nova mission is a native Oolite mission, I don't think that any OXP deletion would alter the status of Gebiisso.

I don't have any democracy v. communist OXP installed.

But perhaps some mission(s) undertaken at nova location(s) would add the urgency of completion before your shields went down in a storm of x-radiation?

It would be possible for the same co-ordinates stars to lose a companion to nova activity without interfering with galactic navigation, for example.