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Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:13 pm
by Cmdr James
essentially it would be easy, just change the way we work out where you jump to, so that instead of wrapping back to 1, you go 9 10 11 etc. shouldnt be too hard, but will make some interesting things happen to gameplay, like it will be hard to get back to 1.

I mean, in a sense galaxies "exist" for all of the numbers up to the limit of whatever datatye is used, there just is no ingame way to reach them. Thats why it is so easy to hack a saved game and get there.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:54 pm
by DaddyHoggy
I think going back over A_C's original thread on the subject was that you bought a special device that overloaded the Gla H jump - if the device is fitted you jump forward to a new Galaxy beyond 8, as soon the device is used it expires so if you want to keep jumping forward you need to find another one - if you Gla Jump without the device and you're beyond Gal 8 then you immediately jump back to Gal. 1.

If you recall B&B originally wanted to do 2^48 galaxies...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:08 pm
by Frame
You could, when in Galaxy 8+

Offer a device that jumps forward.... instead of back to 1

The normal galactic hyperdrive puts you back to Galaxy 1
the new device jumps to the next galaxy..

maybe more Interestingly you could offer a device when in 9+ that lets you jump backward... by 1-8 stays as is...