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Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:37 pm
by pagroove
It's built at dock 1 at Vetitice and dock 1 was built in parts 8)

Wormhole from the Frontier Cruiser is like a Q-bomb



Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:38 pm
by Lestradae
Cmdr James wrote:
Im thinking systemwide wormhole cascades. Each visited system grows an event horizon, and anyone crossing it is transported into the next system, which again has a permanent wormhole so big that you appear inside it, and so on until you catch up with the transport. :D
You are aware that you just described a scriptable mechanism that could circumvent the "7LYs max" limit for players, yes?

Don't worry, I'm not going to try it :twisted:




Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:39 pm
by Lestradae
pagroove, that is gigantic.

No wonder I like it.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:39 pm
by Screet
Eric Walch wrote:
It is pure coincidence, but the "random" generator that adds the buoy repair factories, places also one in Vetitice. And not just anywhere in orbit, but almost near the main station.
Yes, coincidentally I noticed that today. The GRS buoy is so close that it's almost hit by the rotating main station :shock:


Re: ö

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:41 pm
by Screet
Lestradae wrote:
Cmdr James wrote:
Im thinking systemwide wormhole cascades. Each visited system grows an event horizon, and anyone crossing it is transported into the next system, which again has a permanent wormhole so big that you appear inside it, and so on until you catch up with the transport. :D
You are aware that you just described a scriptable mechanism that could circumvent the "7LYs max" limit for players, yes?
Hehe...that idea really sounds funny, but unusable...and I guess it would not work with the current code, as that would require to save wormholes and ships over many systems at once!


Re: ö

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:46 pm
by Lestradae
Screet wrote:
Lestradae wrote:
Cmdr James wrote:
Im thinking systemwide wormhole cascades. Each visited system grows an event horizon, and anyone crossing it is transported into the next system, which again has a permanent wormhole so big that you appear inside it, and so on until you catch up with the transport. :D
You are aware that you just described a scriptable mechanism that could circumvent the "7LYs max" limit for players, yes?
Hehe...that idea really sounds funny, but unusable...and I guess it would not work with the current code, as that would require to save wormholes and ships over many systems at once!
No, it wouldn't require that. (Have I already become so devious in the skill of undermining limits put up by the game that I see that at once?)

Script a hyperspace missile that makes a scripted jump to a system within 7 LYs with a wormhole big enough that the player can fly through this, and respawn the missile dummy close to the player ship when that comes out of witchspace there, script the wormhole-generator to jump again further so close that the wormhole encompasses the player and so forth and so on ...

But really, I think this would be unbalancing everything. Just amused that there is a way to do it at all :twisted:

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:29 pm
by pagroove
Topview of dock 1.

Sadly I' can't model. But this model is for anyone to take and base an idea on.


Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:47 pm
by pagroove
Of course the stations should be destroyable. But not to easy.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:24 pm
by ClymAngus
Hmm maybe a transport ship thats doughnut like in the middle? That way finished stations could be secured with an equal amount above and below the transport ship.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:29 am
by pagroove
ClymAngus wrote:
Hmm maybe a transport ship thats doughnut like in the middle? That way finished stations could be secured with an equal amount above and below the transport ship.
Ok now I've gone a bit to far :wink:
I liked your idea and designed the Titan class for it.


Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:12 am
by Cmdr James
Reminds me of the ship in moon cresta

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:34 am
by Eric Walch
pagroove wrote:
It's built at dock 1 at Vetitice and dock 1 was built in parts 8)
I see one technical potential flaw in your carrier vehicle for the stations: For a reaction engine, the exhaust has to be in line of the centre of gravity.

Then means the exhaust has to be near the bottom end of your carrier when loaded, while it has to shift up when not loaded. So make sure you use different exhaust positions for both versions.

I am just curious about the size of the factories that build the GRS stations.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:54 am
by Thargoid
Eric Walch wrote:
I see one technical potential flaw in your carrier vehicle for the stations: For a reaction engine, the exhaust has to be in line of the centre of gravity.
The net thrust should be in line with the COG, or else of course you end up with rotation. As PAGroove's vehicle has symmetric exhausts, then that should be the case as the line of thrust is along the ships central z-axis, which is where the station is also centred?

Or am I missing something here?

As a general comment, having recently played around with very large ships (I've just about got the elsewhere-discussed large hauler now working, subject to some sub-entity positioning quirks that Eric and I are now looking at) one thing I did find when I tried an uber-hauler (about 3km x 3km top-view as above) was that the game engine seemed to have some problem in displaying it, at least on my (fairly low-spec I admit) system. It had some very weird strobing and texturing effects appear which I'm not seeing in the current smaller version (just under 1km x 1km).

It may just be an artifact of my useless graphics hardware, but may be worth a test elsewhere before anyone gets too into making a fancy-looking and complex large ship.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:12 pm
by pagroove
Eric Walch wrote:
pagroove wrote:
It's built at dock 1 at Vetitice and dock 1 was built in parts 8)
I see one technical potential flaw in your carrier vehicle for the stations: For a reaction engine, the exhaust has to be in line of the centre of gravity.

Then means the exhaust has to be near the bottom end of your carrier when loaded, while it has to shift up when not loaded. So make sure you use different exhaust positions for both versions.

I am just curious about the size of the factories that build the GRS stations.
The reactor was in the dock, so that is not a transport. The Titan Cruisers are viewed from top. I forgot to mention that. I'm gonna make some more concepts though. It's fun.

BTW other people may of course join the concept fun to. Show us what you think is the best method of building a station. 8)

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:17 pm
by pagroove
Thargoid wrote:
Eric Walch wrote:
I see one technical potential flaw in your carrier vehicle for the stations: For a reaction engine, the exhaust has to be in line of the centre of gravity.
The net thrust should be in line with the COG, or else of course you end up with rotation. As PAGroove's vehicle has symmetric exhausts, then that should be the case as the line of thrust is along the ships central z-axis, which is where the station is also centred?

Or am I missing something here?

As a general comment, having recently played around with very large ships (I've just about got the elsewhere-discussed large hauler now working, subject to some sub-entity positioning quirks that Eric and I are now looking at) one thing I did find when I tried an uber-hauler (about 3km x 3km top-view as above) was that the game engine seemed to have some problem in displaying it, at least on my (fairly low-spec I admit) system. It had some very weird strobing and texturing effects appear which I'm not seeing in the current smaller version (just under 1km x 1km).

It may just be an artifact of my useless graphics hardware, but may be worth a test elsewhere before anyone gets too into making a fancy-looking and complex large ship.
Any screenshots of your experiments? BTW the thrusters on the Titan Cruiser should be directional. In my idea the GASECstation frame is a sort of mobile construction yard. They can even construct the station while transporting although the exterior is then ready. I also reckon that it is maybe necessary to have an integrity shield active around the station frame while hyperspacing.