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Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:21 pm
by pleb87
Okay, the fix is now up (see first thread post). This patch will fix the problem with multiple locations being given for the objective text, the intro text and the system locator. Now all three will give the same location. Also fixed similar bug with passenger name in the objective and intro texts. These now both give the same name.

Also fixed another problem I found, when launching from a station in a corporate system in Galaxy 1, multiple Taxi Stations were created each time. This will now no longer happen.

If anyone else finds any bugs, let me know. Otherwise, stay tuned for the next release, which will have a revised earning system, and incorporation of the ranking system...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:31 am
by Disembodied
Possible logo?


Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:15 am
by pleb87
pleb87 wrote:
v0.4 - Changed mission requirements: you now take passengers to the Taxi Station in the required system. It made more sense this way, as you have to start at the Taxi Station anyway. Also added Taxi Cabs to the traffic in Galaxy 1. Rankings have been added, as well as a Pilot Stats board viewable a the Taxi Station. The more contracts you complete, you eventually go up a level. Each level determines how many pirates may be waiting for you. Also added the excellent logo designed and created by Disembodied to the Taxi Station.
Rather big-headed of myself to quote myself...but anyways, version 0.4 is up. Big thank you to Disembodied for that excellent logo. I have put this on the Taxi Station, and will incorporate it on the Taxi Adder in the next release.

Next release will include more taxis (different ships), equipment requirements, and hopefully better payouts... (Sorry it is now paying 100 credits per jump, with a bonus of 2000 credits if within 50 jumps...should have mentioned that in the Version History!!!)[/quote]

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 2:26 pm
by Master Bates
Spotted a bug:

After accepting a taxi mission from the Diso taxi station to take a passenger to Ensoreus, I proceeded to head that way. Upon arriving, I docked at the taxi station there. Nothing happened. I launched and docked again. Nothing happened. I tried every dockable object I could find - the main station, casino, bank, every planet, the constore, even a passing Behemoth. Still nothing, and the mission is still there on the ship's manifest. Even jumping out, jumping back into the system, and docking at the taxi station again failed to give me my payout or remove the passenger from my vessel.

EDIT: Further experimentation reveals that the mission dialog now refuses to appear at every single taxi station visited, so even if I was somehow able to complete this mission I wouldn't be able to begin a new one.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:13 am
by pmw57
Master Bates wrote:
Spotted a bug:

After accepting a taxi mission from the Diso taxi station to take a passenger to Ensoreus, I proceeded to head that way. Upon arriving, I docked at the taxi station there. Nothing happened. I launched and docked again. Nothing happened. I tried every dockable object I could find - the main station, casino, bank, every planet, the constore, even a passing Behemoth. Still nothing, and the mission is still there on the ship's manifest. Even jumping out, jumping back into the system, and docking at the taxi station again failed to give me my payout or remove the passenger from my vessel.

EDIT: Further experimentation reveals that the mission dialog now refuses to appear at every single taxi station visited, so even if I was somehow able to complete this mission I wouldn't be able to begin a new one.
The same has occurred for myself as well. The destination is Ensoreus but nothing happens when I get there.

My passenger refuses to leave and is taking up residence in the back. None of the taxi companies want to deal with me until I remove my passenger, but he won't budge.

I know that I run a fast and smooth travelling service, but I would prefer it for my current client to move along so that I can proceed with servicing other clients.

My only consolation is that I have been jumping in and out of Ensoreus for some time now trying to resolve this issue, so the per-jump Credits that I will receive should be piling up by now.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:47 am
by pmw57
I have had to evict Bransdottyr Jamiesen. It wasn't a pleasant experience cleaning up my soiled vehicle , but I should be ready now to begin another taxi mission.

[save game now has taxi related material removed]

I shall now attempt to transport another passenger, this time keeping an eye on how I behave.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:44 am
by pmw57
Immediately after accepting a taxi mission from Zaonce I docked in to the main station, where UPS Courier informed me that someone else has set mission choices already.

That I can presume means that because I am in the middle of a Taxi Galactica mission, the UPS Courier isn't allowed to offer me a job.

Is this the case?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:43 am
by pmw57
The Taxi Station has the commodity lists for Gold, Platinum and Gem Stones listed as type 0 for tons, when they really should be type 1 for Kg or type 2 for grams.

Leaving them like this currently can crash the game.

This has been affecting other OXPs as well, which I suspect is a result of copy/paste code techniques.

Would you kindly update the commodity.plist file so that this issue is fixed.

Taxi Galactica Delivery Issue

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:39 am
by lisbet
pmw57 wrote:
Master Bates wrote:
Spotted a bug:

After accepting a taxi mission from the Diso taxi station to take a passenger to Ensoreus, I proceeded to head that way. Upon arriving, I docked at the taxi station there. Nothing happened. I launched and docked again. Nothing happened. I tried every dockable object I could find - the main station, casino, bank, every planet, the constore, even a passing Behemoth. Still nothing, and the mission is still there on the ship's manifest. Even jumping out, jumping back into the system, and docking at the taxi station again failed to give me my payout or remove the passenger from my vessel.

EDIT: Further experimentation reveals that the mission dialog now refuses to appear at every single taxi station visited, so even if I was somehow able to complete this mission I wouldn't be able to begin a new one.
The same has occurred for myself as well. The destination is Ensoreus but nothing happens when I get there.

My passenger refuses to leave and is taking up residence in the back. None of the taxi companies want to deal with me until I remove my passenger, but he won't budge.

I know that I run a fast and smooth travelling service, but I would prefer it for my current client to move along so that I can proceed with servicing other clients.

My only consolation is that I have been jumping in and out of Ensoreus for some time now trying to resolve this issue, so the per-jump Credits that I will receive should be piling up by now.
I notice that it has been a while since this issue was reported. Has anyone found a fix for it? I would like to deliver my passenger and be done with him.


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:46 am
by Kaks
Hmm, pleb87 hasn't shown up for a while, & as far as I know nobody else is trying to fix it...

However, you can always remove your passenger from your save game, by using a text editor (if you're on windows, don't use notepad, it adds extra characters - wordpad is fine, or you can use the freeware notepad++. Mac or Linux, any text editor is OK).

Here's an example of what needs to be removed - in this case, I want to remove Itonth Cexe, but keep Erstitth Atleth:

<key>Erstitth Atleth</key>
<key>Itonth Cexe</key>

<string>Itonth Cexe, a human colonial, wishes to go to Zainenge. The route is 52.0 light years long, a minimum of 9 jumps. You will need to depart within 7 days 23 hrs, in order to arrive within 23 days 20 hrs time. Will pay 1800 ₢: 360 ₢ in advance, and 1440 ₢ on arrival.</string>
<string>Itonth Cexe</string>

<string>Erstitth Atleth, a human colonial, wishes to go to Ririla. The route is 87.2 light years long, a minimum of 15 jumps. You will need to depart within 11 hrs 33 mins, in order to arrive within 25 days 23 hrs time. Will pay 5600 ₢: 1120 ₢ in advance, and 4480 ₢ on arrival.</string>
<string>Erstitth Atleth</string>

You need to remove an entire <dict> entry inside pasengers, and the corresponding two lines inside passenger_record.

Best to do a backup of the save game before editing, just in case... :)

And welcome to the frendliest forum this side of Riedquat, allegedly! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:02 pm
by Dave McRoss
Cute! I will install it this night :)