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Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:13 pm
by Zanasj
govert wrote:
DOES the PCC have access to all equipment?

The RS datasheet says it does, but the wiki says it lacks shield boosters.
I just bought PCC. I had initially downloaded the non-shader version for some reason, but I switched it to the shader version. There was no trouble, and now I've got a scoop cam! The main reason for this was that the non-shader version didn't seem to have any custom views defined. (Is the game supposed to use some default custom views, if there aren't any for a given ship?)

I have both shield boosters and military shields now, so at least the shader version can get them both.

I like this rig. As for playing with keyboard, it's true that the controls aren't too sensitive, when dogfighting small ships or trying to snipe, but it's good enough. Though I only accidentally launched an energy bomb near a starbase while hunting for a lone fugitive, cos Q is yaw left for me, and tab is still energy bomb :)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:51 am
by _ds_
Zanasj wrote:
As for playing with keyboard, it's true that the controls aren't too sensitive, when dogfighting small ships or trying to snipe, but it's good enough. Though I only accidentally launched an energy bomb near a starbase while hunting for a lone fugitive, cos Q is yaw left for me, and tab is still energy bomb :)
I have the yaw keys set as K and L, which is convenient on an Acorn-style layout.