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Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:58 pm
by confused.brit
I dont know what a .package is, and neither does my system.

Ubuntu based distros like mine use .deb packages, if things arent in Synaptic. (and Synaptic only uses 'stable' versions, so we might want to get Giles to mark a more recent version stable at some point....)

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:09 pm
by Kaks
confused.brit wrote:
I dont know what a .package is, and neither does my system.
They're supposed to be the next best thing for all linux distributions & they're not bad at that. The .package itself is executable, and looks for the .package installer when run. If that is not on your system, it will connect to its repository and download/install the installer automagically, then continue on its way. A bit of a palaver when you first run a .package, but I can vouch it works flawlessy on Ibex!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:16 pm
by Screet
Kaks wrote:
They're supposed to be the next best thing for all linux distributions & they're not bad at that. The .package itself is executable, and looks for the .package installer when run.
It's quite some time since I've been working with AIX and the like...could it be that he is required to set the packages flags to be executable for some strange reason?


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:17 pm
by confused.brit
Cool. Thanks for that. its doing now. Oh, and im a She. Tried to put up an Avatar to make that clear, from photobucket, but it isnt showing for some reason...

So, back to the issues im having accessing the Wiki, anyone about who can give it a kick so I can grab the Ionics and Assassins oxps, since they havent been googlecached?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:36 pm
by Screet
confused.brit wrote:
Cool. Thanks for that. its doing now. Oh, and im a She. Tried to put up an Avatar to make that clear, from photobucket, but it isnt showing for some reason...

So, back to the issues im having accessing the Wiki, anyone about who can give it a kick so I can grab the Ionics and Assassins oxps, since they havent been googlecached?
Sorry for the missing "s" then ;) When it's not clear from username or such, I always expect it to be "he", as I've never experienced a woman liking Elite back then...only came to my attention that there are females who like this sort of game since finding oolite and reading the boards.

As to the Wiki: That already was an "emergency backup" which is readonly because the data center running the real version had extreme problems. The guy who sat it up was said to be very busy in RL...thus it might take a while. However, that the backup version is down could also indicate that he finally has time and resources to fix the real Wiki and tries to move it back...let's hope that this is the reason!

Assassins and Ionics do run in completely different galaxies, thus I guess you currently only need one of those two packages.

Give these links a try and have fun:

Assassins is also linked on the board:

Fourth from bottom in Ship OXP's


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:48 pm
by confused.brit
yeah, i found that version of Ionics, but I dont think its gonna work. From the googlecache page of Realistic Ships Wiki page, it needs Ionics-1.2.1 not 1.11.1 :( and Assassins on here links striaght back to the wiki.

If you have those, i have a account, would you or someone else passing by be able to upload them there? ... f1e4c1313a

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:56 pm
by Screet
confused.brit wrote:
yeah, i found that version of Ionics, but I dont think its gonna work. From the googlecache page of Realistic Ships Wiki page, it needs Ionics-1.2.1 not 1.11.1 :( and Assassins on here links striaght back to the wiki.

If you have those, i have a account, would you or someone else passing by be able to upload them there? ... f1e4c1313a
Ouch. Not so nice with those links, then.

I have these versions:

However, I would have to pack ionics again, don't have the zipped version anymore, thus it could well be PC only :( Would be better if someone else could provide it?

Can everyone upload there? Did not have a account myself yet, only used those links there...well, I'll click and see if someone else is allowed to upload...if so, I'll place both files there and if someone got an originally zipped version, maybe that someone uploads it, too ;)


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:58 pm
by confused.brit
Doesnt seem to be PC only, i grabbed it before as a zip and had no apparent problems.

There arent linux specific oxps, or mac specific, for that matter, so they seem OS independant

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:02 pm
by Screet
confused.brit wrote:
Doesnt seem to be PC only, i grabbed it before as a zip and had no apparent problems.

There arent linux specific oxps, or mac specific, for that matter, so they seem OS independant
I sometimes have seen folders for "mac" inside an unzipped OXP, IIRC.

Anyway, just registered and uploaded those files.

Funny thing: Click "Add" or use drag&drop. I went for d&d, but that only resulted in my zipped files being downloaded to me again without showing up?!? Did use "Add" and that seemingly worked as intended.


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:08 pm
by confused.brit
Not a clue,i tend to use add lol. Got em.
Ok, lets fire this up an see if I still have problems :)

Re: ...

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:01 pm
by govert
Lestradae wrote:
1. You open the Realistic Shipyard`s shipdata.plist and search via search function after the name "SIRF".

2. You note the plist name: It´s at the beginning of the SIRF's shipdata.plist entry and says "<key>blablabla</key>".

3. Delete the entry following the "<key>blablabla</key>" until and including the final </dict> of the SIRF's ship entry.
Let me get this straight... Youre saying the following:
Replace each instance of the folllowing pattern:

Code: Select all

<key>SIRF [...] </key>

Code: Select all

<key>SIRF [...] </key>

Re: ...

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:05 pm
by Screet
govert wrote:
Let me get this straight... Youre saying the following:
Replace each instance of the folllowing pattern:
If I understand you both properly, it' just to find the pattern you found and then completely delete it from the file.

Thus, the best approach would be to first create a backup of that file you found it in, then remove what you found, save and give it a try.



Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:06 pm
by Lestradae
What Screet said 8)

PS: Realistic Shipyards V3.02b is now, after being downloadable for 4 months, rapidly nearing the 1.700 downloads mark, more than 150 players more than registered on the boards here in five years.

That is a big success for all oxp authors who's valuable work has been included in this pack! They are the people who can be proud about that. I only compiled the stuff and gave it a framework :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:20 pm
by LittleBear
@ confused.brit

Although the wiki is "down" in the sense that ATM Devs can't upload stuff to it. Its still "up" in the sense that you can download from it. You should be able to grab any OXP you want from the Wiki. Just don't try uploading anything to it ATM.

Welcome to the boards!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:26 pm
by Screet
LittleBear wrote:
Its still "up" in the sense that you can download from it.
Not really: "The operation timed out when attempting to contact" - I instantly gave it a test when it was reported down. The backup currently is not responding at all!
