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Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:07 pm
by Gimi
DaddyHoggy wrote:
And I failed to answer your whole question: The DCC (Defence Capability Centre) is built at the back (front?) of the old Gun Sheds/Ammo Hall - next to (and infact in the old carpark of) Malborough Hall. If that makes any sense to you...

There are no Welsh people here, so I'm pretty sure it's not Torchwood... :wink:

Although the new JSCSC looks a lot like (from the front - couldn't find a decent photo) like the saucer from the 80s TV show - 'V'...
It does make sense (Went on google maps). It's changed a lot. Have to go up and have a look before I move back home.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:09 am
by ramon
It looks like the tank museum, i was there last year watching the tank show - which was pretty cool. I got very sun burnt though. Yes I know they sell hats in the museum shop, I bought one (just before I went home - it's the sun, doesn't make you think).

Annnnyway, I'd love some photos, I'd find them very very useful. Try and take the pictures flat, so stand back and zoom in (I think that flattens a picture, maybe just stand back). If you're close and zoom out I think you get into the distorted fish-eye realm.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:28 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Quite a lot of stuff goes from Bovington (Tank Museum) to here at Shrivenham - and indeed vice-versa.