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Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:54 pm
by FSOneblin
Here I come with a post that has no point!:D
Actually, the bug-load of RS has become smaller and smaller, and my current beta-testers have been as good as failing to find any new ones in the last weeks. Time to create new and shiny ones
Maby we just have been failing to see them...

I agree with you on this one. But, if there were all those extensions I noted, there might be a "market" of interest in a super-extension that had all of them in there. I could live with that, I'm rather sure many other people would be interested, too. Especially newer players, I guess, who didn't play the original Elite.
Well, that would make sense, I love oolite, and I like ose (I got to test it) oolite is number 1 on my favorite games list, and I never played the original elite (being born in the 90's)

Lestradae wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
Therefore I still don't see the very point of a one-size-fits-all solution for OXPs.

I agree with you on this one. But, if there were all those extensions I noted, there might be a "market" of interest in a super-extension that had all of them in there. I could live with that, I'm rather sure many other people would be interested, too. Especially newer players, I guess, who didn't play the original Elite.

You see, and that's precisely the point that gives me the non-encouraging headache with RS. I am quite certain that a lot of newer players have downloaded and installed various versions of it (you have kept us informed about its download statistics, so I know that a lot of people have downloaded it). But with its buggyness (is that a word?) it has made sure that they never got the chance to play the original Elite. Only a twisted, weird form of it. And as we are talking about new players, they usually couldn't even know that the behaviour they got wasn't actually Elite.
... **cuts off your arm** Mclain, I am just some 13 yoer old nerd typing at a computer, Join me, and together we can overthrough lesterate, and rule, Some kid and some person! and buggness will be a word!

Don't Panic: FSOneblin

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:48 pm
by AndyG
another_commander wrote:
AndyG wrote:
(For the occasional real nostalgia session I'd love to see a fully-wireframe OXP also :) )
You haven't checked the Game Options screen thoroughly, have you? ;-)
Actually yes I did - but that's a "developer" wireframe mode (triangulated planets etc), not really all that close to the BBC Elite experience.