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Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:23 pm
by Thargoid
Eric Walch wrote:
For me it is a major problem with RS that it breaks several original Elite missions.
It's one that's fixed in OSE, at least if the script I gave to Lestradae for the purpose works as I think it will.

Re: Cloaking Device

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:14 pm
by Kaks
Captain Fullstrength wrote:
It's not like this stuff is just lying around. I went back later to get some more and it just wasn't there.
AFAIK, the cloaking device in RS/OSE should be available in only 1 system per galaxy, and that system isn't supposed to change. If you've already got a piece of equipment, Oolite won't show it in the equipment for sale page. If you fly there again with a different ship, the cloaking device should be listed again... :)

BTW, and it's been mentioned a few times already, the whole point of OXPs is that they will change the game one way or another. My only concern here is to know what we're talking about! :)



Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:29 pm
by Zbond-Zbond
TRANSFER CLOAK TO NEW SHIP -- interestingly enough, having returned to spaceport and re-commissioned my early ship, last used to shoot down unusual-cargo-container-bearing ship and nuking the unusual-cargo-container (probably), I was sucessful in my mission and have now re-built my fortune (see original post). Still flying the BoaCC, too. It's great!
THE INTERESTING bit is that now, when I load that early game, there is (sometimes) a cloak on it..

It had a good Cr. balance & plenty of kills, so I traded it in for an AspMkII to use as a weapons testing platform. I have just loaded it to see what happened.
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED: there was not a cloaking device listed (eqpt. list). I launched, flew to a nearby planet (Veis (G1)) and docked, whereupon the eqpt. list showed the cloak.
I had previously quitted a game mid-flight trying to deliver a passenger to a Nova star (in a ship with a cloak), although I doubt that fact contributed anything. OK, so I saved the game, flew back to Ceesxe, checked: yes, that ship now seems to be cloaked with invisibility..
"What ship?????????????"
-> "I dunno -- -- I can't see it anywhere" :shock:

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:24 pm
by Screet
Zbond-Zbond wrote:
last used to shoot down unusual-cargo-container-bearing ship and nuking the unusual-cargo-container (probably),
There was a bug introduced to the built in script some version ago, I'm not sure if it's fixed with 1.72.2. IIRC the bug caused the cloak container not being scoopable as expected and there was a simple fix posted to the BBS somewhere.
Zbond-Zbond wrote:
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED: there was not a cloaking device listed (eqpt. list). I launched, flew to a nearby planet (Veis (G1)) and docked, whereupon the eqpt. list showed the cloak.
Hehe! That just says that I'm not the only one too fast to wait for equipment transfers ;) It just takes a little bit of time to move the cloak from the old to the new ship...I was shocked about a missing cloak myself some time ago, just to see shortly after that it was added to my inventory after a little wait.


Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:51 pm
by another_commander
Screet wrote:
There was a bug introduced to the built in script some version ago, I'm not sure if it's fixed with 1.72.2. IIRC the bug caused the cloak container not being scoopable as expected and there was a simple fix posted to the BBS somewhere.
Yes, this is fixed in 1.72.2.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:55 am
by Zbond-Zbond
The significant element in this story is that the ship I'd sold (to buy the AspII) didn't have a cloaking device.
It was the old ship that had missed the unusual cargo cont. and sanctioned 12666 WRETCHED SCUM without one.
It was after resuming play from that early stage, scooping device in replacement ship and bringing justice to a similar number of miscreants that the FORMER ship ALSO acquired the cloak, mysteriously - the cloak it had not scooped!

I think one or two other ships (there are several nicely appointed models available for tourist services saved in each galaxy) have developed cloaks, too, following completion of the mission by the main workhorse BoaCC: I don't load them that often, so haven't checked.

This doesn't affect the game particularly. Some earlier saves DO now have the accessory, without having scooped the pod, but whether they do or not, the main ship is the vessel of paramount importance and the one I use to advance the game.



Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:11 am
by Screet
Zbond-Zbond wrote:
The significant element in this story is that the ship I'd sold (to buy the AspII) didn't have a cloaking device.
Do I understand you now correct that the situation was like this?
1) You fly a cloaked ship
2) You switch to an old saved game which does not have the cloak and instantly buy another ship
3) The cloak appears on the newly bought ship

...and that sometimes it's not even necessary to buy a new ship, but just to load an old commander without the cloak and wait so that that ship does get it?


Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:22 am
by Rebecca
a-ha! got to get me one of those... galaxy 5 though... that's a lot of dosh to save up for a galactic hyperspace 4 times over. :cry:

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:47 am
by Screet
Rebecca wrote:
a-ha! got to get me one of those... galaxy 5 though... that's a lot of dosh to save up for a galactic hyperspace 4 times over. :cry:
There are some missions which will force you to use a galactic hyperdrive. If you wait for those missions, you won't have to spend that much ;)

I suggest to check the missions page and mission oxps...


Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:11 am
by Zbond-Zbond
...and that sometimes it's not even necessary to buy a new ship, but just to load an old commander without the cloak and wait so that that ship does get it?
Yes. Not that it matters, because before that can happen the device needs to be gotten in the correct manner. And that is at such an early stage in the game that any ships saved from that epoch are not well equipped, really, and have limited fiscal means, so that there's not much point loading them anyway. My stable of tourist-ships -- parked at different locations throughout the galaxies -- are all late saved games with full specs. and healthy credit balances.

????????But what happens if it's a new Cdr. J. launching from Lave who saves -- I don't know -- I'll try it and see....[/quote]

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:15 am
by Zbond-Zbond
No, new Commander Jameson doesn't inherit the cloak.
Other (early-ish) save was -Elite- with about Cr3,000,000 so might need something like that? for anomaly to manifest.
(Since I saved that game WITH its un-earned cloak, it is now a permanent fixture).

Nevertheless it is the later ship (which DID earn the device) that I actually use: it has overtaken the other one by now so there's little point reverting to the previous status.. 8)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:20 am
by Thargoid
The cloak is (or should be) transferred from ship-to-ship of a Commander that has earned it (or at least has it) if they sell their ship and buy a new one.

But each save-game Commander is entirely separate (or should be) and should not interact with one another. So if one save-game file earns one or has one, it will have no effect on any other save game file.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:02 pm
by Deftom1
Hello commanders (first posting, better make it a good one…) errr… wondered whether someone could shed some light on this cloaking mission? I GHDed into G5, found and blew up the rascal in question and scooped the unusual container (hmm??). Have been flying around for a while now and nowt seems to be happening mission wise?? Have I missed something? Or is it dependant on ship type (I’m currently sat in a Falcon-S having a brew). All thoughts/advice gratefully received!!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:11 pm
by Screet
Hello and welcome to the board!
Deftom1 wrote:
wondered whether someone could shed some light on this cloaking mission? I GHDed into G5, found and blew up the rascal in question and scooped the unusual container (hmm??). Have been flying around for a while now and nowt seems to be happening mission wise?? Have I missed something? Or is it dependant on ship type (I’m currently sat in a Falcon-S having a brew). All thoughts/advice gratefully received!!
If you got that ship and scooped the container, you should have the device installed to your ship automatically. It's visible with the F5-screen. About that mission, it's all you'll see.

The device needs to be activated manually ("0" key).

There was a bug in a previous test release which did cause the scooped container NOT to install the cloak, but that should be fixed with 1.72.2.


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:58 pm
by Deftom1
Thank you Screet for your (always) excellent advice, upgraded to v1.72.2 went back to previous save file, whacked said ship and am now in possession of a rather lovely cloak.
p.s. And a big cheers to all involved in this superb game (lost many a weekend in my youth playing Elite on the Amiga - good times!).