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Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:30 pm
by another_commander
I'm afraid that there is a problem either with bounding boxes or collision detection (or both) in the trunk (1.72) at the moment. This could be the reason why the missile explodes on launch with the SVN versions.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:47 pm
by Eric Walch
Thargoid wrote:
As to the 'Bots, they're designed to be expensive for two reasons. Firstly you get the convenience of repairs away from dock, and secondly they can fix (almost) anything. Yes if they fix fuel scoops you're spending 5000cr on a 300cr fix, but if they fix a broken cloaking device or bit of Military kit...
You are right. The prise itself is a real problem. I on the other hand found it to low. When your military shields gets destroyed it is often a problem to find a system to repair it. A system with a repair-bot is easier to find. And the cost is lower than a official repair.

Maybe a low fixed price and added costs on repair. I just cant find a reasonable explanation for additional costs.
In that case you may be hitting the player vs player.ship separation "due" in 1.72? It may be that the new code to move the missile isn't working correctly under the new set-up,
I suggested Thargoid a fix for orientation as player orientation is always stored inverted for player as compared with all other ships in versions untill 1.71.2. In my believe this inversion for player is corrected with 1.72. The probe does a check for oolite version but maybe was I wrong and it is still not fixed in the released trunck version? in that case the missile launches in a somewhat random direction under 1.72 (inverted w-orientation)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:12 pm
by Thargoid
Eric Walch wrote:
Thargoid wrote:
As to the 'Bots, they're designed to be expensive for two reasons. Firstly you get the convenience of repairs away from dock, and secondly they can fix (almost) anything. Yes if they fix fuel scoops you're spending 5000cr on a 300cr fix, but if they fix a broken cloaking device or bit of Military kit...
You are right. The prise itself is a real problem. I on the other hand found it to low. When your military shields gets destroyed it is often a problem to find a system to repair it. A system with a repair-bot is easier to find. And the cost is lower than a official repair.

Maybe a low fixed price and added costs on repair. I just cant find a reasonable explanation for additional costs.
If I may re-awaken the repair bot thread, and transfer the discussion about that OXP to there? A suggestion as to how to proceed is at the bottom...

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:10 am
by Micha
Micha wrote:
Thargoid wrote:
Last point first, personally I would agree with that sentiment. At the moment the multi-target does allow different targets per missile (and you can cycle through a history of the last few ships you've targetted iirc, although I don't often use it), but your solution about selectable missile but single target would work. How much extra coding it would be is another question though...
Probably not much - unfortunately RL is preventing me from putting as much time as I'd like into Oolite. I'll have a quick poke around the multi-target code tomorrow night and see if I can adjust it. I've already looked at it briefly and it's just a case of always allowing the missile-change but only keeping a history of and adjusting the target-lock if you have the multi-target expansion.
*yawn* Well, I had a quick poke around the code and I've implemented a way to change missile pylons with and without the multi-target expansion. Still a minor bug in that it also targets mines for some reason (unsure why, unless mines are classed as both mines and missiles..? I'l look into it further tomorrow, err, later today... lots of weird signals occuring when debugging with gdb are _not_ helping!)

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:52 pm
by Micha
Thargoid wrote:
But if you can run it against a vanilla 1.71.2 installation that will be great, it should give us definitive answers.
Looks like it works fine under 1.71.2 so it must be the bounding-box problem which another_commander mentioned in 1.72.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:15 pm
by Thargoid
Thanks. At least we have a good idea of the cause now, and people still on 1.71.2 can enjoy it. And I guess you'll just have to use the special launch procedure (as I said above, maybe add a "pauseAI: 2.0" or similar to the launcher's AI (which destroys it and calls the script that spawns the missile) to give you a little more time to get out of the way.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:20 pm
by Micha
Indeed :)

In the meantime I'm wrestling with my missile-change code. The basic modification was fairly trivial but I'm not very happy with how it handles targetting when switching between missiles and mines.

Then again, I trialled the multi-target expansion and played around with that to see how it worked and I don't like that very much either. Probably the best thing is to open a new thread and ask peoples' opinion - I'm guessing there's a reason for the way it works currently.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:09 pm
by Thargoid
OK, a v1.72 compatible version is now available.

==Probe v1.02 available here==

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:51 pm
by Thargoid
And now a further update for 1.73. URL as above, or from the links below.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:28 pm
by snork

I am a bit insecure - does it really head towards where it is supposed to ?
See the picture, the probe missile was fired off while standing still, ship oriented just as in the picture.


Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:57 pm
by Thargoid
It comes back to your proximity, you do have to do the last little bit and go pick it up yourself.

I mean would you really want me to script a missile to come back to your exact location? :twisted:

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:41 pm
by snork
Ah, thanks, no problem picking it up.

I was just testing it a little bit. And it looks as if it would not be going into the direction I wanted. But I should have just done some more testing to see where it goes, if the report(s) match what I find heading there myself; instead of asking here.