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Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:57 pm
by Lestradae
I have been thinking about those things too, because of the successor of the Realistic Shipyards oxp. Balance NPCs-Players.

It may come as a surprise, but even I (and I really like big things that go boom) do consider multiple lasers for players (well, perhaps more than two) overkill.

Turrets are something else, as they only fire at your target per AI if I understood A C correctly. Not as dangerous as four Military Lasers that fire away at the same point simultanously ...

If something beyond that was implemented, there should be a new challenge to counter the new player possibilities, too, imho.

That`s my 0.2Cr


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:51 pm
by Gunney_Plym
IMHO Player ships that have too much power would seriously unbalance the game.

Contrary-wise NPC ships with multiple weapons make life interesting (if sometimes short :) ) but if they are only added by an OXP then you have the option to include them or not depending on your abilities (or the size of your iron-ass).

I'm aware of an OXP that adds lots of different ships from different OXP's as a one'r (although it's name escapes me :? ). I would be concerned if such a 'superset' included uber-ships as some earlier players might be put off by their extra difficulty.

Personally I have Renegade Pirates installed as their occasional appearance adds spice to the run-of-the-mill runs travelling to Random Hits.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:05 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Personally, I like the idea of a IF(playership = [uber-ship]) THEN add x otherships method, as it implies as you get more experienced (higher Elite rating) and richer (rich enough to afford an uber-ship), then you become a bigger target for pirates, freelancers and just about any Jameson wanting to make a big name for himself by taking down a 'big, bad pilot'. It's like in one of the old Wild West movies, where the veteran gunslinger is cursing his skill because as he becomes more famous as a crack shot, he's constantly being challenged by eager kids that he ends up putting in the graveyard.

Captain Hesperus


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:54 pm
by Lestradae
Captain Hesperus wrote:
Personally, I like the idea of a IF(playership = [uber-ship]) THEN add x otherships method, as it implies as you get more experienced (higher Elite rating) and richer (rich enough to afford an uber-ship), then you become a bigger target for pirates, freelancers and just about any Jameson wanting to make a big name for himself by taking down a 'big, bad pilot'.
I like that idea a lot, too. Is that doable, scriptingwise, and if, how so?