Retrofitting pylons

An area for discussing new ideas and additions to Oolite.

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Post by Micha »

Commander McLane wrote:
Micha wrote:
Alternatively I can build binaries for Windows XP and Ubuntu and make them available somewhere. Sorry, no OS-X.
I know this is not what you mean, but somehow I hear alarm-bells ringing here. If something gets changed in the trunk, then it has to get changed in all the trunk. I am strongly against implementing platform-dependent changes. I would rather like all of us to play the same basic game.

(On top of that I am also not sure yet whether I would like to see this particular piece of the basic game functionality to get changed, but of course this can simply be--and has been to a certain extent--debated here. Anyway, my point here is only the "Sorry, no OS-X.")
Sorry for the misunderstanding - I'm sure the code-change works on all platforms. I simply meant that I don't have access to a Mac and hence can't build a Mac-binary, whereas I can do so for Ubuntu and Windows XP for people who can't create their own builds for whatever reason.

-If- this feature is of enough interest and the powers that be like it it will hopefully make it into the actual trunk and not just my local copy of it and become a standard (or optional) part of the game.

I -fully- agree that the various platform implementations should not diverge in functionality.
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