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Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:39 am
by Eric Walch
Commander Mysenses wrote:
Is it just me?... or is NPC supercobra AI a bit crap? They just don't seem to put up much of a fight. Often find a fugitive supercobra just hanging around outside the station... doesn't even fight back whilst I laser him up.
I find this a bug in Oolite. Once a ship is in docking mode, it will not react anymore on attacks. (Unless you give it a custom AI) And police will not react because you are attacking an offender.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:17 am
by ClymAngus
Eric Walch wrote:
Commander Mysenses wrote:
Is it just me?... or is NPC supercobra AI a bit crap? They just don't seem to put up much of a fight. Often find a fugitive supercobra just hanging around outside the station... doesn't even fight back whilst I laser him up.
I find this a bug in Oolite. Once a ship is in docking mode, it will not react anymore on attacks. (Unless you give it a custom AI) And police will not react because you are attacking an offender.
Nifty! I don't know about everyone else but I find a turkey shoot good for the soul every once in a while. Congratulations! You've locked on to a manically depressed Pirate on a downer! Warm up your laser and have fun!

Space will have just as many dumb people floating around it as earth does eventually. It would be a sorry state of affairs if these poeple were not adaquately represented. Zapp! BOOM! YAY! You've just upped the average IQ of the universe by 2 points!

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:08 pm
by JohnnyBoy
ClymAngus wrote:
a blind, deaf, quadraplegic asp pilot, smacking his head on the keyboard randomly could take one of these "bad boys" out..... Buying a supercobra sir? Certainly sir! We'll just need to replace your brain with this sprout, and your good to go.
Family members are now asking why on earth I'm laughing hysterically....

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:24 pm
Littlebear has posted a solution to this problem in the last post in this thread you just need to change the AI to the pirate one.