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Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:59 pm
by JensAyton
rvlvr wrote:
My MacBook Pro (first generation) has, if I remember correctly, 2.0 GHz and 1 GB RAM.

I don't know how the game (I have v1.65) usually reacts to OXPs, but mine got stuck at "initializing galaxy" or some such. I removed the Realistic Shipyards, but still had the same thing happening with a bunch of other OXPs (Assassins, Commies & and a few others).

Might the trouble be the version of Oolite I'm running? Should I move up to v1.7X?
Before you do that (oops, too lateā€¦), it would be helpful if you could post the contents of the run log. For 1.65, you can get this by opening Console (in /Applications/Utilities), clearing the window and running Oolite.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:25 pm
by rvlvr
I could try that, too, me thinks.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:13 pm
Assassins is fairly hefty too.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:44 pm
by rvlvr
And another thing:

I bought two fuel tanks to be able to move faster along good trade routes, but aren't able to switch between missiles and the extra fuel. I tried to re-map the keys -- didn't even seem to f*ck anything up! -- but that didn't work.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:52 pm
by LittleBear
You need to buy a Multi Targeting System before you can switch missiles / mines / equipment mounted on your pylons.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:59 pm
by rvlvr
Thank you so very much -- I was growing desperate.

Cheers, man!

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:41 am
by rvlvr
As I gather the people here have fought a few fights and hauled some odd tons of cargo in these ships, which of the souped-up Pythons do you use: the Class Cruiser or the ET Special?

The Class Cruiser looks like a beast with seven energy banks and lots of cargo room, so I think it would be a good ship for merchants. And I quite like the shark visage. Is it taken from the C64 manual?

The ET Special seems like a more well-rounded snake, but lacks the extra energy banks. Handles better, I think, but how much is that extra worth? Guess it makes the ET Special a better fighter, but for that job there are lots of others, too. No idea whether or not the recharge rate is better than in the Class Cruiser? And how much does the ability to pack on a shield booster affect the equation?

Boa 2 Class Cruiser looks like it's the best of the three, but I feel it lacks charm. I'd guess people still use it? Any opinions either way?

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:45 am
by Disembodied
Of the three I've only flown the Python Class Cruiser, It's not a bad ship but the lack of major shield boosting, and the sheer bulk of the thing, means you have to pick your combats with care (the bulk issue probably applies to all three ships, but maybe the ET Special, with better handling and a slimmer profile, might score better here). Also, the positioning of the engine on the PCC can make aiming the rear laser a bit tricky. And you have to remember to dock sideways...

If anyone wants to do a comparison of the three, it would make a good addition to the Rough Guide!

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:16 pm
by JohnnyBoy
I flew the Python until I could afford the PCC but bought the Boa 2 Class Cruiser as soon as I could, and I flew countless tonnes of cargo between agricultural and industrial systems in that until I could afford the SuperCobra.

What strength of MacBook Pro

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:36 am
by BobSongs
What strength of MacBook Pro are you using?

Something you may wish to do after you insert the "Realistic Shipyards" OXP (You should by all means install the following OXPs alongside this one because Realistic Shipyards V3.02 depends on them: Assassins, Commies, Hotrods, Ionics-1.2.1, Amen Brick's Pirate Clan One: The Blitzspears, Vector & Zz-Oo-Haul), try the following:

Press F2 (while docked or paused), Game Options, Shader Effects (use the left/right cursor keys to lower (Off), raise (Simple) or raise again (Full). If you get a lot of stuttering, reduce the Shader Effects to either Simple or just Off.

My MacBook Pro's a Core Duo (not a Core2Duo, sadly). And "Realistic Shipyards" has turned Oolite from a bit dull to thrilling. The challenge has returned to the game!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:49 am
by rvlvr
Yes. I did down-tune the shader effects, but still haven't tried with Realistic Shipyards.

I've been quite happy with the selection of OXPs I'm running, although I'm not sure I'm ever able to earn enough credits to try out the SuperCobra (nor am I sure I'd even want to). There's just something about the ship. It doesn't bug me it's a good fighter -- there are those. The ability to haul 55 tons of cargo breaks that illusion as I've understood it's about the same size as the Mk.III. And it seems all of the other variants of the classic have their cargo space reduced because of the greater engine power. Oh well, I try to quit ranting. Just don't seem to get over it.

So, at least for the moment, I've my sights on the Chopped Cobra. That'll take a while, too, but I think I can manage. And maybe then I could start thinking of bounty hunting.

One thing about the RS OXP: Are you able to select the ships in it, or do you have to do it manually? I'd hate to see TIE Fighters and their ilk in my Oolite. Same goes with most the non-canon stuff. I just want the snakes! (And maybe the Commie and Dictator fleets.)

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:39 am
by rvlvr
Um, I think I stumbled upon a thread that had the specs of all the ships collected. I think I was to toy with an excel sheet, but, after that -- it's all a blank. No idea what happened. And now I can't find the thread.

If you could at least tell me I wasn't dreaming, it'd keep me from failing my SAN check. I think.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:22 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
rvlvr wrote:
Regarding the different OXPs:

I found that running the Realistic Shipyards is not an option with my MacBook Pro. I guess it just isn't powerful enough for that package.
I've started plane blading it to fit my machine, but (finally and fortunately) Real Lifetm put the project on ice, and if all goes wellI won't be touching it (or playing Oolite) for a while...

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:41 pm
by rvlvr
I did cheat, I admit: I tried out the Python Class Cruiser fitted with a naval energy unit I saw being sold with a price tag of 610.000 Cr. at Xexedi. (I'm exploiting the Xexedi-Laenin trade route in my Cobra Mk.III, trying to keep away from trouble.)

So, I tried the big snake and loved it -- it looks comic book mean and didn't feel less maneuverable than my good ol' Mk.III "Entropy Rising". Tried different things, but wasn't able to equip it with an extra energy unit on top of the naval energy unit, although military shields and boosters were available. Does the ECC in ship data table mean that extra energy unit? Or do you have buy them in some preset order to be able to have both? In any case I do feel like I have a purpose in life -- it is to get enough credits to buy the Class Cruiser. Just wanted to know if I would be able to iron ass it to the max, yo!

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:05 am
by Commander McLane
Extra Energy Unit and Naval Energy Unit are excluding each other. You only can have one of them. (That's different to the shield boosters which may be combined.)

Due to a bug in some intermediate versions of Oolite you were able to have both units for some time (fixed in one of the 1.71s), but that was never meant to be possible.