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Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:32 pm
by Lestradae
@Cmdr. Maegil:

All good and very creative ideas ... loads of things to do with carriers.

My basic intention would have been to open up a new level of play for players who have reached Deadly or Elite status and are flying a carrier. Many of your ideas would fit fine!

My only problem is that I lack the scripting capacities for that - but if people are found who want to base something like this on what will be the future Realistic Shipyards I would be honoured and help with anything I can do.

Atm, getting out that future version which is intended to be as close to bug-free as can be is my priority number zero :)

One day we`re all gonna cruise in our carriers, land on stations with big docking bays surrounded by forests of turrets, and raid them or stop their raiders 8)

Cheers :D