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Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 2:07 pm
by krombart
What I did is:

I deleted Your_Ad_Here_set_* (I want to keep Your_Ad_Here as I want to keep OO-Haul)
I renamed the Textures Folder in System_Redux
I deleted localhero (I can Install it if I want to do the missions immediately)
I deleted ixianships (sad as a fugitive ixian battleships gives 10k Cr. Okay it is too easy, but the amount of Bonus is in a range, where I wound start hunting those ships :D )


I am on average 80 FPS in normal play AND
around 50 FPS in combat AND
the FPS does change much lesser often than before!

I would say SUCCESS!

Re: The nature of OXP on frame rate...

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 2:51 pm
by dalek501
Frame wrote:
dalek501 wrote:
I seem to be experiencing random frame rate problems. I say random, because it doesn't neccessarily seem to be just down to the amount of action on screen.

For example leaving the station and angling up so there is nothing on screen but dust and stars, it has happened. Or plowing towards the sun for a skim when there is no other ship around. It seems to last for around 5-10 seconds sometimes (occasionally longer) before 'freeing' back up.

I have a P4 3.3 ghz, 1 gb ram and a nvidia Geforce FX5600 card with latest drivers. I have tried shutting down all unnecesary running items as far as I dare.

I was wondering exactly what the nature of the OXPs are on the frame rate? I have around 27 OXPs. Is that too many? Do they affect general play or is it only when leaving a station or hyperspacing that you experience slow-ups from them?

I can accept problems at launching or hyperspacing but I find the slowing down during play annoying! :shock: :wink:

Could you do this for me, and everybody else who wishes to test this..

Launch from a station... now hang around and see if it launches big ships with escorts...

when it does, notice if, when the first escort is launched, if your frames drop dramaticly...

Right up and until the first escort is crashing into the rear of the big ship , that is usally an Anaconda or Boa...

after that you will see the rest of the escorts launching, and your frame rate should have stabalized again..

furthemore.. abnormal behaviour...

if you stick around you will prolly see that the escorts, are either

A entering a wormhole in the docking lane
B missing the Wormhole cause the wormhole was created by the big ship that was bumped out of the docking lane, when the first escort crashed into it

In case of B

You will prolly now see scavengers in the form of some adders and a single cobra mk III, that are picking up alloys from the escort ship that crashed...

After that the scavengers come to a hold.. if there is a cobra MK III, it will usally head for the sun..

on a side note: the funny part.. the Escorts now begins to escort the adder Scavengers, the Scavengers then turn to be shuttles and head to the planet surface, where if it got escorts, the escorts will impact with the surface...
Hi Frame,

I will give this a try tonight, but I can say now that I experienced something like this yesterday. I launched and was pottering around the station when suddenly the area was covered with alloys. I think I recall a brief frame rate slow down, but as I wasn't looking for it I didn't take much notice.

And yes there were plenty of ships about scavenging for the alloys. I have to admit though that I didn't hang around much longer to see what happened then. I know there was a wormhole too though.

So I would imagine that it was exactly what you just described.

So do you think that its a problem that needs removing and therefore help frame rates?

Can you remind me how to bring the frame rate indicator up too?


Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 3:35 pm
by Frame
sure while in game press shift+f

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:40 am
by dalek501

I had a little while to run a few tests last night but time was limited. I didn't see the effect you were talking above last night. Maybe something similar though....

I added Griff's amazing new krait oxp to see if I could run it without affecting the frame rate, but when I did, whenever I came out of any station at any world government type I always has 3-4 of the new Kraits attacking close to the station. LIke I say this was even at Corporate State worlds.

My frame rate seems to be fairly steady most of the time at 32. Which seems quite acceptable. Is that about average? I tried the lower quality system redux textures but the frame rate stayed at around 32.

The only test I didnt get a chance to try, but maybe tonight, was to remove all the oxp's and see if that affects things.

I was still getting these random slowdowns, which I'm putting down to the explanations above.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:31 am
by another_commander
dalek501 wrote:
I added Griff's amazing new krait oxp to see if I could run it without affecting the frame rate, but when I did, whenever I came out of any station at any world government type I always has 3-4 of the new Kraits attacking close to the station. LIke I say this was even at Corporate State worlds.
My guess is that some script inside the OXP is causing this and not Oolite itself.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:41 am
by Griff
another_commander is right, inside the config folder of the griff_krait.oxp there is a file called script.js, if you delete it (or even safer - just rename it to something like removed_script.js) the kraits outside the station will be gone and oolite will just randomly choose a griff_krait whenever it's asked to conjure up a ship with a 'pirate' role.
the script.js file is there so i could quickly find a griff_krait when testing the oxp. I'll do a proper release of the oxp soon, i think i've reached the limits of my brain capacity with the shaders.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:31 am
by dalek501
Thanks Griff and Another Commander. I'll rename that script tonight.

Griff, have you got a place where you keep all your work together? I find it amazing. These Kraits look fantastic. And the best bit about it was I was still getting the original Kraits too, so in my 13 year old mind I can imagine they are upgrded or super kraits!

I'd love to be able to travel back to myself when I was 12-13. I would love to show myself what I have now in Oolite. I would blow my mind! But then again maybe it wouldn't be a good idea. I'd have to wait 22 years to play it!

Anyway... yeah do you have one place for all your stuff? I have a few bits of yours, but I always feel I'm missing something in one of the threads, and maybe I haven't got the final versions?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:52 am
by JensAyton
Griff wrote:
another_commander is right, inside the config folder of the griff_krait.oxp there is a file called script.js, if you delete it (or even safer - just rename it to something like removed_script.js) the kraits outside the station will be gone and oolite will just randomly choose a griff_krait whenever it's asked to conjure up a ship with a 'pirate' role.
For future reference: learn to love the debug console. :-)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:08 am
by Griff
how does the debug console work? you guys & Eric & Commander McLane seem to be able to do all sorts of cool stuff - call up ships, check their AI's etc.
I'm using the window version (windows xp) and it seems to work OK, i'm not getting the crashes that Frame reports on his windows Vista pc.

I tried adapting the line from the griff_krait script.js file

Code: Select all

system.legacy_addSystemShips(this.role, this.count, 1.0);

Code: Select all

system.legacy_addSystemShips(griff_krait_cloaked, 4.0, 1.0);
to try and spawn 4 ships with the role griff_krait_cloaked and got this:

Code: Select all

Exception: ReferenceError: griff_krait_cloaked is not defined
    Active script: "oolite-debug-console" 1.71
    oolite-debug-console.js, line 159:
    	let result = eval(command);
I'm making a javascript syntax error here aren't i?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:22 am
by another_commander
Griff wrote:
I'm making a javascript syntax error here aren't i?
Yup, try this:

Code: Select all

system.legacy_addSystemShips("griff_krait_cloaked", 4.0, 1.0);
or, to make somewhat shorter:

Code: Select all

S.legacy_addSystemShips("griff_krait_cloaked", 4, 1.0);
In your original script, this.role is a variable referring to a string, while the griff_krait_cloaked is the actual string describing the role you want, so it has to be enclosed in quotes. Without the quotes, it is just a variable which has no definition.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:36 am
by Griff
Thanks another_commander, that works a treat, it's like being a God in Oolite :)
me ->Image

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:27 pm
by FSOneblin
Griff wrote:
Thanks another_commander, that works a treat, it's like being a God in Oolite :)
me ->Image

It's ultimate power! I think.... . Is the griff krait ready for download? If so where is it? I love kraits!

Don't panic: FSOneblin

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:06 pm
by dalek501
Just to update this thread a little. I removed a few OXP's for missions that won't come into play for a little while and now the FR seems to flicker between 32-66 very quickly, so maybe thats a slight improvement.

However the frame rate isn't so much the problem (a constant 32 seems acceptable), its the longish pauses when something is obviously being played out in the system.

It has been suggested that I add more RAM (I have 1gb) currently. Would this make a big difference? Or is the speed of the proccesor more relevant? Would increasing virtual memory help?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:32 pm
by Gareth3377
Always add more RAM. I currently have 2gb and even then Oolite is still asking for more, like a pesky Oliver. (I do have most OXPs installed though, so it's my fault my frame rate jumps around a lot). Always play Oolite in full screen mode (as I only found out how to do so a few weeks ago. Ahem). I find that gives you a couple of FPS more as well. At least it does on my system.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:57 am
by DaddyHoggy
Hmmm, my machine is running 2 512MB sticks in dual channel. It can only take 3GB in total (3x 1GB) and PC3200 is going UP in price not down...

I really want to run with YAH since I've got 14 ads in the set and Dr. N kindly put in my Tescoo Oxpress stores. Call it a vainity/pride thing!