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Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:15 pm
by Svengali
v1.4 is online.

The new version requires Snoopers2.x (currently 2.0.6) for the background mission (Arn) and will not start if not installed.

- Um. Nearly everything...

A special thanks here to Zieman for his pointers to shader problems on ATI cards and caracal for testing some of the new things.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:24 pm
by Svengali
v1.4.1 is online

- Fix for loading order problem.

For all who don't want to download 3.7MB again, you can easily fix it on your own by changing vector_missionArn.js line 30 to:

Code: Select all

if(missionVariables.vector_arn && missionVariables.vector_arn==='UNLIMITED' && missionVariables.TL_FOR_EQ_VECTOR_SCOOPS) harakiri = true;
That's it.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:52 pm
by Svengali
v1.4.2 is online.

- Probabilities lowered
- other trigger for background mission added

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:08 pm
by Svengali
Vector1.4.3 is online

- Better chances for good guys
- Soundsource handling for looped sounds
- Splitted images in background/overlay
- Reduced height of one NPC-ship to avoid the limit (in trunk)
- Fixed wrong description for Aldrin
- shader changes in Snoopers adapted

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:56 pm
by Cody
Thanks Svengali… I’ll give this oxp a run soon (I hope… I’m semi-grounded at the moment).
It’ll be my first ‘mission' oxp… should be interesting.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:31 pm
by Svengali
El Viejo wrote:
It’ll be my first ‘mission' oxp… should be interesting.
Have some fun with it...

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:46 pm
by Svengali
v1.4.4 is online.

- Cabal_Common_Library1.0 is required

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:02 am
by XB7
.. and just when I thought I've downloaded everything. This looks really cool. Thanks!

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:54 pm
by Svengali
XB7 wrote:
.. and just when I thought I've downloaded everything. This looks really cool. Thanks!
Have some fun with it and don't forget your sun glasses! .-)

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:10 am
by Svengali
Vector1.5 is online.

- Personal Assistance Device added
- Cabal_Common_Comms for Benus Triadon used.
- Cleanup for old missionVariables and version mark
- Preparation for missionpacks
- More overlays
- The usual cleanup/fix orgy

If a update screen pops up for you, please follow the instructions, save the game and reload it. It will remove old variables from Localhero and removes the mission related variables and EQs from Vector and marks the savedgame, so it won't pop up again.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:54 am
by Zireael
Do I need Cabal Common Library for Vector to work?

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:57 am
by Gimi
Zireael wrote:
Do I need Cabal Common Library for Vector to work?
Yep, according to the read me you do:
- Oolite v1.75.
- Cabal_Common_Library1.2.
- Snoopers2.1 for the background mission - if not installed this mission will be bypassed.
- BGS-A or BGS-M for engine sounds for the Vector
- To get the full fun play in fullshader mode, reduced details off, and music/sounds switched on.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:14 pm
by Svengali
Gimi wrote:
Zireael wrote:
Do I need Cabal Common Library for Vector to work?
Yep, according to the read me you do:
- Oolite v1.75.
- Cabal_Common_Library1.2.
- Snoopers2.1 for the background mission - if not installed this mission will be bypassed.
- BGS-A or BGS-M for engine sounds for the Vector
- To get the full fun play in fullshader mode, reduced details off, and music/sounds switched on.
Cabal_Common_Library1.2 and Snoopers2.1 are required for the full set of features. I've put in Cabal_Common as strict requirement, because it is used in a lot of scripts and I'm not 100% sure that I've handled all possible exceptions- it has quite a lot of possible interactions between scripts. Snoopers is required for the background mission - without it you won't get the relevant hints and actions.

The basic Vector should work without them, but most of the features are disabled then, so simply install both OXPs. If you are worrying that the Vector does too much - the scripts in Vector are written in a way that if a part of the actions is completed the scripts will be disabled freeing the resources after that point. And before most of the actions won't be called at all.

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:37 pm
by Gimi
Ok, so I have upgraded Vector, but what happens now.
I was in the middle of the mission, or at least it was ongoing. I was visiting Arn's girlfriend in some system, and in version 1.4.4 nothing happened when I got there. After 1.5 clean-up of the save file, it no longer says on the f5 screen that I should visit the gf for more information. It's like the mission never started.

I do suspect that i triggered the mission in an odd way. Arn actually took a shot at me, I shot down his vector and then scooped his escape pod. When I then got to the station the whole thing started.

I do of course have a backup of my save-game, so there is nothing that can not be undone.

What next?

Re: Vector OXP

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:01 am
by Commander McLane
Gimi wrote:
Arn actually took a shot at me...
That would be the odd part. I started the mission when I shot him down unceremoniously without being provoked before. :wink: