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Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:01 pm
by another_commander
Actually, it is a little bit more complicated than that. This thread explains the current Oolite license situation.

You may also want to check this one (referenced also in the original license thread) for more info.

Re: Hi Selezen!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:14 pm
by Ace Garp
Lestradae wrote:
Has the mighty Sung given his blessing for this? I seem to remember he was rather reluctant to let the official Oolite community use the textures when he departed.
Actually, yes, he did so personally. I am hosting his textures now :D

I've been using those textures in a bodged together OXP of my own, so I'm looking forward to this.

I suppose asking him for more is out of the question ;-)


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:30 pm
by Lestradae
I suppose asking him for more is out of the question
I suggest: Just ask :D

Cheers 8)


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:02 am
by Commander McLane
@ Commander Mysenses: Indeed, this looks like a mix-up. Bounty Hunters created by Anarchies only appear and hunt you if you're Fugitive. And they don't have ranks. And they identify themselves by sending messages to you (although the ones from Random Hits may do that as well, I don't know, I haven't installed Random Hits).
LittleBear wrote:
Thargoid Attacks on Space Bars is an occasional feature (rather than a bug). :wink: Once a battle is over most hunters launched by the Bar in the battle will witch-out (so shouldn't overload the game with their numbers as once they witch out there out of the game).
Are you aware that every ship that witches out is immediatly re-created by the engine? That is, unless you use the new (1.71-only, I think) AI-method for hypering out without replacing, of course. Do you?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:10 am
by ovvldc
I did some testing and found that:

* CustomSounds breaks the new pilot stuff and gives me a craft flying in empty space immediately on starting a new game
* Tionisla Orbital Graveyard has undefined ships in it
* Urutu IV has an undefined ship in it
* Wolfwood's Variants has an undefined ship in it.

There is also weirdness where installing a large number of OXPs causes an unhandled exception on my system, regardless of which ones I put in. That is to say, the total volume of scripts or models seem to be the problem, nog a particular OXP (I tried removing just a bunch and it went away, and also when I removed another bunch).

I also noticed that the ship and installations that use shaders are much darker than their unshaded counterparts. I also found that turning shaders from simple to full makes every model that dark.

I am afraid there's something in the lighting code that is a bit dim (sorry about the awful pun).

Otherwise, looking good!

Best wishes,

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:17 pm
by LittleBear
They use the performHyperspaceExitWithoutReplacing (works on 1.70 as well as 1.71). As do Marks that jump. Without this chasing a jumping Mark would be too easy as he'd reappear at the Witchpoint. If you follow a jumping Hunter or Mark through his workhole he will be in the new system though.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:52 pm
LittleBear wrote:
If you follow a jumping Hunter or Mark through his workhole he will be in the new system though.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:11 pm
by LittleBear
Lol - typo.

Actually Eric has pointed out there is a bug in Oolite1.71 with the launchshipwithrole: command (which is used to launch the hunters). The AI switches automaticaly to the route1patrolAI. This means on 1.71 the bars hunters rather than witching out when the bar is clear always go on patrol (and will also be less agressive). As the Bar scrambles (A LOT) of hunters whenever it spots in criminal / pirates / bugs on 1.71 the system will get over-populated with hunters as once launched they never go away again!

Easy to fix by just having the launch_actions of the Ship switch to the customAI. Will do for 1.2 of Random Hits. This problem doesn't crop up on 1.70 and v 1.1 of Random Hits won't work on V1.71 of Oolite anyway as I need to update the commands for detecting who killed or scooped a victim.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:54 pm
by JensAyton
LittleBear wrote:
Actually Eric has pointed out there is a bug in Oolite1.71 with the launchshipwithrole: command (which is used to launch the hunters). The AI switches automaticaly to the route1patrolAI.
There is no such bug in launchShipWithRole:. The problem is occurring elsewhere (but I’m not sure where, since I haven’t observed it myself yet).

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:03 am
by LittleBear
Hmm. I added a hunter with addSystemShips: and the ship followed its AI on 1.71, but when launched from the space bar it doesn't.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:09 am
by Eric Walch
Ahruman wrote:
LittleBear wrote:
Actually Eric has pointed out there is a bug in Oolite1.71 with the launchshipwithrole: command (which is used to launch the hunters). The AI switches automaticaly to the route1patrolAI.
There is no such bug in launchShipWithRole:. The problem is occurring elsewhere (but I’m not sure where, since I haven’t observed it myself yet).
I noticed that it is also happening with the AI command: launchScavenger, so probably also the rock hermits are affected. But the bug is deeper in AI launching general I assume.