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Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:35 pm
by davcefai
Firstly I think that 66fps on an Nvidia 7600 is quite reasonable. I get 75fps on my Nvidia 8400 (Athlon 64 2200+).

From experience and a lot of tinkering:

The memory upgrade definitely helps as more files are cached in RAM and you reduce disc access.

Does your Hard Disc kick in during the stutter? If so more RAM will help.

Firefox can make things worse as it will use up a lot of RAM to cache stuff. This also applies to other programs. If you want to minimise the stutters then "clear the decks" for action before you start Oolite.

Finally, if your are having disc accesses during the stutter check that your drive is using DMA and, in Windows, defragment the hard disc.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:18 pm
by Hoopy
i get 66 on my 7600 as well.
the stutters are mainly due to all the (non-JS) OXP scripts being evaluated. More RAM helps that a bit. Closing down firefox (or IE although it's not as bad) normally helps release a few hundred Mb.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:32 am
by Ark
Since the upgrade of ram my HD did not kick during the stutter and as I said before now are less frequent.

I believe that the remaining stutters have nothing to do with ram. Nevertheless, good idea about the defragmentation.

So I also believe that the remaining pauses have something to do with the fact that a lot of legacy scripts are evaluated since I have all the mission oxps loaded, or with oxps that are not optimized or are buggy somehow (Ixian ships).

But this does not explain the long stutter when an NPC creates a wormhole. This must be an inside game handicap.

Thanks guys,