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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:15 am
by Spooky
I try and resist thinking that far ahead... but server side OXPs with co-operative missions, maybe even team based missions - It makes me all tingly in my giblets :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:34 pm
by Commander Gralen
MOolite!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :D :D :D
Yup your right, Cows rule


Go MOolite!

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:24 pm
by Commander Gralen
Check the dates!

Why isn't anyone working on MMOOOOOOolite?!!!?!?! :cry:
The MOolite must go on!
It must :shock:

Damnit... i'm exaggerating again!

Nevva mind mee! :roll:

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:10 am
by Spooky
"This ain't like dusting crops boy. You make a wrong calculation and you could end up jumping right through an asteroid belt or bounce to close too a supernova and that would end your trip real quick wouldn't it?"


We're working on it, we've not made much progress due to real word job comitments but those will be completed very soon and we'll be able to spend some quality time making your dreams come true :P

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:24 am
by AlexD
Hello from Russia. :)
First of all, sorry for my English. :oops: But, I'll try to post my suggestions.

You are not alone in the univers! :D I mean there are many fans of Elite in Russia too. (Do you still understand me?) So... If moderators of our forum will allow me, than I write address of our site.

Now... Let's do it...

1) About DogFight:

I think, we need separate all systems on two types:
a) battle systems;
b) non-battle systems.

Every player starts game in non-battle system. For example, Lave. :) Did you ever heard about this planet? :D In this systems player can upgrade his ship, buy some more equipment or repair ship. On start player has only 100Cr.
Then hi jump to the battle system and fight, fight, fight... And one more time fight, if hi still alife. :) More kills - more money. It is simple, isn't it? :) If player still can flight, then hi jump to non-battle system. Repair, upgrade, maybe even new ship. Jump back. Fight, fight, fight...
If player die, then hi starts from the beginning: non-battle system, 100Cr, poor ship.

By the way, in the beginning all players select ship from... from... let's call it "Starting group". Ever ship from this group has lowest price and poor equipment. During the game, player can buy more powerfull ship.


2) About MMORPG (this variant only for not big number of players)

Simplest way it is just add network module, wich will work only when some players are in the same system. All other time it's not working or rather it is just send to server information about where player is. All other information (prices, NPCs) client generate by itself.
When some players come into the same system, server will generate all information and send it to players.
And now about death... Maybe leave it as is? Players can save and load. I now it is not realistic, but it will allow create first version of MOolite mush faster. And I think it is good way to start.
We will already play in MOolite, while next version will be create. :) It will be the same OOlite, but some times player will meet real player's ship and not NPC's. :)

I think that is all...

Oh, yes... I forgot about chat. :)

PS: Yea! I'v got the permission! So, you are wellcome to

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:55 am
by Rxke
Hi, AlexD!
AlexD wrote:
First of all, sorry for my English.
It is better than my Russian! :D
there are many fans of Elite in Russia too.
Yes, and some months ago, Oolite got lots of downloads from Russia, you are the first to say 'hello'...

I think, we need separate all systems on two types:
a) battle systems;
b) non-battle systems.
Interesting Idea, it would solve some potential problems with battles near stations...

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:52 am
by winston
Actually, I did notice that Russian IP addresses make a very significant portion of the downloads for Oolite-Linux. It's been suggested before that if any language translations are made for Oolite, Russian should probably be the first (although code changes will be needed to support multiple languages).

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:09 am
by Spooky
Simplest way it is just add network module
Damn it, why didn't I think of that before :lol:

Seriously, we are working on this! I haven't posted any updates because currently there isn't much to tell. We've seperated out most of what we consider to be the 'server' processes. We're almost finished the 'client' data requirements and then we're onto building various network transport systems to find the best match we can. This is a tiny baby step along the path to awesomeness but we are getting there... and like I keep saying we'll be giving it a hell of a lot more attention after next week. Hopefully I'll have something more substantial to share with you all then.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:53 am
by ArkanoiD
Rxke wrote:
Hi, AlexD!
AlexD wrote:
First of all, sorry for my English.
It is better than my Russian! :D
there are many fans of Elite in Russia too.
Yes, and some months ago, Oolite got lots of downloads from Russia, you are the first to say 'hello'...
I first seen oolite an year ago or so, but a) i had no videocard with hardware OpenGL (i did not need one for anything except Oolite ;-) b) i tried to install it anyways but there was no package with GNUstep inside and generic one complained about missing GNUstep configs, so i gave up (i did not want to spend time studying GNUstep internals just to play a game ;-)

Now it's OK and i am happy commander ;-)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:09 am
by Rxke

Only now I see you're from St. Petersburg.
Your English is so good, I never thought you were not English/American/Canadian/Australian/SomeotherEnglisspeakingian...

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:20 am
by AlexD
ArkanoiD wrote:
I first seen oolite an year ago or so
If you look at this link you'll see that date of this post is 13 Jul 2005. So I also seen oolite an year ago... :)
winston wrote:
It's been suggested before that if any language translations are made for Oolite, Russian should probably be the first
I think EG's pilots (haw we call each other) can do it. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:41 pm
by Commander Gralen
Rxke wrote:

Only now I see you're from St. Petersburg.
Your English is so good, I never thought you were not English/American/Canadian/Australian/SomeotherEnglisspeakingian...
... Maltese? :D

Well, it's nice to see that some nice ideas are being put in.
Non-battle systems...
Shoulda thought of that meself.

Nice going AlexD!
And same to the rest!
Now let's kick some non-excistent MOolite... errr... non-excistent hind quarters... thingummy...

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:31 pm
by Lucidor
Spooky wrote:
I try and resist thinking that far ahead... but server side OXPs with co-operative missions, maybe even team based missions - It makes me all tingly in my giblets :lol:
gib·lets Pronunciation (jblts)
The edible heart, liver, or gizzard of a fowl.

What are you really, Spooky? :^)

Oh yeah, you're spoooky!

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:12 am
by Draconic74
I have one question only (for now). has anybody thought about time differences? I havent been able to read this entire discussion, but i think nobody has mentioned that it takes time to get from point A to point B. however, this applies only to witchspace jumps. in oolite it auto-adjusts, but what would happen on an internet version. 90 LY jumps would take hours, but what about Galactic jumps? nobody wants to have to stop playing for 2 weeks just to get to Galaxy 2.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:43 am
by JensAyton
I brought up the issue of time differences once, and the consensus seemed to be “who cares”? It doesn’t actually matter… as long as people don’t try to synchronise their actions based on the game clock.