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Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:10 pm
by Mauiby de Fug
Interesting tip! And surprisingly effective with my Iron-ass SuperCobra (with Shield Boosters and Military Shield Enhancement). In fact, somewhat anti-climactic...

Worked perfectly the first time! In fact, he barely saw me coming. I hit him at an angle from the side before he had moved, wiped him out without much damage to my shields, and for an encore, proceeded to jump straight into the path of an oncoming large asteroid without looking where I was going! Press Space, Commander!

You were also correct in that hitting him full on killed me as well as him.

Third time lucky, I hit him somewhat sideways in one of his, well for lack of a better word, "legs", and came away only losing half my shields and damaging my Docking Computer.

A fast, easy and effective method, although somewhat unconventional!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:57 pm
by Selezen
That was kinda the intent, that the ship be hard to kill. Well, he's supposed to be an undercover military agent flying a kitted out Navy vessel, after all!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:05 am
by Mauiby de Fug
Well, they clearly train their operatives well! This fight makes it one of the harder missions of Galaxy 1 that I've downloaded. But 'tis good to have such variety!

It was the last of the missions that was limited to G1 out of those that I downloaded. Now I'm ready for a bit of sight-seeing at the Tianve Pulsar before jetting off to Galaxy 2 to find the Constrictor!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:28 am
by Switeck
Mauiby de Fug wrote:
I was hoping that at some point he'd run out of fuel for his witchdrive injectors, but there's no sign of that having happened.
If you're away from the main ship traffic so he's the only thing within 30 km of you, wait till he injects off your radar then use your torus drive to catch back up to him. He'll be burning witchfuel while you get to keep up "for free". This may take awhile but you can run him out of fuel that way and still be "fit" to fight.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:37 am
by Mauiby de Fug
Switeck wrote:
If you're away from the main ship traffic so he's the only thing within 30 km of you, wait till he injects off your radar then use your torus drive to catch back up to him. He'll be burning witchfuel while you get to keep up "for free". This may take awhile but you can run him out of fuel that way and still be "fit" to fight.
This was one of my tactics used in the 50 minute fight, and it didn't seem to be working. That, or he has an immense amount of fuel! Needless-to-say, after that amount of time I got a little bored of seeing him disappear off in the distance!

Re: Spyhunter mission

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:57 pm
by richard.a.p.smith
Hi all

I just went through this mission with 1.76.1 and no errors appear to have been generated at any point. From memory the OXP list entry is blank for 1.76 compatibility; can't check as it's not working right now but at least I can post the success story here.

There's another thread about this mission - - I'll post this there or maybe the threads should be merged or something.

Thanks for writing the mission, Selezen.


Re: Spyhunter mission

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:00 am
by Selezen
My pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :-)

Impressive thread resurrection skills there too!

<EDIT> TWO threads resurrected to say thanks? Wow, you REALLY enjoyed it...

Re: Spyhunter mission

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:33 am
by richard.a.p.smith
Hello (again). Thought I'd post that this appears to be fine with 1.80. The target is still very difficult to kill (vs vg abgvprf lbh). Rich.