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Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:18 pm
by davcefai
You can however max out with a Boa Cruiser.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:07 pm
by Commander McLane
lolwhites wrote:
It's damn hard to get a bead on an IC. Is it just as hard for NPCs to hit you when you're in one?
Yes, it is! :D Which is just one more of the IC's nice features. The reason for this is it's flat profile which is obviously hard to hit.

NB: It was even harder in the first version which was considerably smaller than the new one. When I flew it I even considered selling my shield boosters and enhancement, because I hardly ever was hit by anyone. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:24 pm
by LittleBear
That trusty python will allow you to make a lot of credits. Keep trading up cargo space wise. Maybe an Ixian Freighter next (175 tones), Then buy a PCC. This ship is tough enough to allow you to trade and do missions. Once you have this ship and you feel you have enough in the bank, a Tiger, Super Cobra or IC. But start building up your kills and maybe take on a few missions. Theres a lot more to the game than trading! :wink:

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:22 am
by Frame
Fraoch wrote:
Update: I've been using the Python for a while now. Despite being very slow, it's a good ship.

What next? I'd like to go to the Boa, but it seems you can't fit shield boosters or military shields on it. I'd have to change tactics for fighting as I typically just run right for the pirates.:lol:
dont pick the Standard Boa...

Pick the Boa Class Cruiser...

The standard Boa only holds about 125 Tons of cargo...
Where as the Boa class cruiser can carry 175 Tons...

but here is a link to the stats

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:30 pm
by nijineko
once one can afford it, what about the annaconda? slow, yes, but can it be made worth it?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:31 pm
by Captain Hesperus
nijineko wrote:
once one can afford it, what about the annaconda? slow, yes, but can it be made worth it?
With 750TC of space, you'd be hard pressed to find a station (and the spare Credits) to fill it to capacity! Most stations, even high TL ones, rarely have more than 200-300TC of stock across each commodity (at least in my experience). I tend to think that the immense cost of the Annie is not paid off by it's cavernous cargo bay. And they are such
targets, you'd probably end up losing most of your cargo (and possibly your ship) to the first pirate that gets you in his cross hairs.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:45 am
by Commander McLane
I agree with C_H. And it's worse. Due to the way the commodities at the stations' markets are calculated you never will find more than 63 (not 200-300) units of anyhing anywhere (except you have sold some of your own to the market, but then you wouldn't want to buy it again).

Second, at high-price stations you never could sell your Anaconda's belly full of whatever, because also due to the way the markets work there can never ever be more than 127 units of any commodity on any station. The engine just doesn't let you sell more.

So actually the Anaconda doesn't make much sense in the Ooniverse. I don't think a ship could be cost-efficient if you have to visit at least five to six worlds in order to fill it and then again five or six in order to empty it again.

Perhaps you could fill your vast cargo bay by scooping cargo, but then again an Anaconda is not the ship of choice for a pirate.

There are also lots and lots of threads on the board that by comparing the Elite ships come to the conclusion that the Anaconda's capacity must have been a mis-calculation right from the times of B&B.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:19 am
by United Blobs
What about cargo contracts? Many of those require so much space that only the Anaconda can hold them. For those the buying/selling limits are not important.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:23 am
by Commander McLane
Ok, that's a point. Yes, if you want to do all those giant cargo contracts you need an Anaconda.

On the other hand: There are also smaller contracts you can do to build up a reputation, and the really profitable contracts you will get after a while don't need large cargo bays anymore.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:31 am
by lolwhites
Commander McLane wrote:
Yes, it is! :D Which is just one more of the IC's nice features. The reason for this is it's flat profile which is obviously hard to hit.
Right, that's definitely next on my list :)