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Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:45 pm
by *cat
Also 35, though was spoilt with a brother who owned a new-fangled 5.25 floppy drive!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:09 pm
by JensAyton
Hah! In my day, we used phonograph cylinders, and counted ourselves lucky we didn’t have to haul stone tablets uphill, both ways, in the snow!

And you tell that to t’ kids today, and they won’t belive you!

Actually, I’m 27.


Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:14 pm
by *cat
:D Have you ported Oolite to run on stone circles yet?
(Terry Pratchett reference - [i]Light Fantastic[/i] I think)

Re: Port

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:03 pm
by Captain Hesperus
*cat wrote:
:D Have you ported Oolite to run on stone circles yet?
(Terry Pratchett reference - Light Fantastic I think)
No, Oolite is fully Hex-compatable ever since the 'Anthill Inside' functionality was added.....

Captain Hesperus

Re: Port

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:09 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Captain Hesperus wrote:
*cat wrote:
:D Have you ported Oolite to run on stone circles yet?
(Terry Pratchett reference - Light Fantastic I think)
No, Oolite is fully Hex-compatable ever since the 'Anthill Inside' functionality was added.....
As long as there are enough bugs, that is...

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:28 am
by Commander McLane
Arexack_Heretic wrote:
Oh By the way Next week I will...

Code: Select all

{"Arnouds_life" = 
  conditions = ("status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHED_FROM_UTERUS");
  do = ("set: mission_timer_myage 0", "set: local_timer_days 0");
  conditions = ("status_string equal LIVING_24HOURS");
  do = ("increment: local_timer_days");
  conditions = ("local_timer equal 365");
  do = ("increment: mission_timer_myage", performBirthday, "set: local_timer 0");

(SpawnTime: 12/06/1977)
So I will be incremented to mission_myage == 30. Officially an old guy.
edit: found a bug in myagecode. forgot to reset day-count. ;)
You found only one? That invariably means you missed all the others! :wink:

And who has to correct them? ... Me again! :sigh:

So: (1) In the third condition it has to be local_timer_days as it was in the second condition. Same applies to the final set: local_timer_days 0

(2) performBirthday is an AI-method and can't be used in a script.plist.

(3) local_timer_days equal 365 isn't exact. What about leap years?
Officially an old guy.
I can't agree with that. Where I am living people are officially counted as youths until they are 35. Up to that point they are supposed to shut up when the elders are debating the serious issues. :oops:

I myself made it happily to the adults a couple of years ago (39 now). 8)


And in my days it wasn't custom to congratulate somebody before his birthday. So that will have to wait for two more days.

Re: Port

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 8:33 am
by JensAyton
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
As long as there are enough bugs, that is...
Oh, definitely. Last night I spent hours trying to track down a crash in the new sky-drawing code which would manifest as soon as I wasn’t looking for it, then go away when I tried to crash it. Bugs shouldn’t have that much sense…

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:03 am
by Arexack_Heretic
@McL: lol poor guy.
1- good spotting there!
2- oh well... are you sure?
3-was intentional, i didn't want to trpple the amount of code to subtract one day every four years, let alone to make it accurate to more than two decimals after floatingpoint (or however it is called in english).

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 2:13 pm
by Commander McLane
Seems I'm getting in a habit of ripping your code apart wherever I see it. :shock: Never mind!