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Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:37 pm
by Selezen
ramon wrote:
Selezen wrote:
Open a command window. Go to the Python24 folder and type shipname.obj.
isn't it shipname.obj shipname.dat
If you leave off the shipname.dat bit it will create it with the same name as the obj file. So both work.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:55 pm
by ramon
ah. all this time I've been writing out the shipname twice :roll:

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:23 am
by treetrunker
Ideally, I'm going to want a completely new universe, none of the old planets, ships, galaxies, etc. As far as I know, it may be easier to create a whole new version of oolite to do this. Take the guts of the program, and then add in all the planets, galaxies, ships, etc. This would solve the problem of compatability with other mods, as it would be pretty much a different game. I don't know how realistic this idea is, but please, let the opinions fly!

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:24 am
by dajt
No, that's not going to happen. You should look around at other moddable space games if you want to do a total conversion.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:06 am
by treetrunker
Ahh, thank you. Well, I'll still continue playing and modding oolite, because it is fun (duhhh), but hopefully i can find something else to make this project with. Thanks for the help guys,


Traveller Oolite

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:35 pm
by BeRKA
I have not tried Oolite yet, but I have played every other version of Elite.

I have an idea of making a mod for the Traveller RPG. What I understand from this discussion some modifications are not possible.

Let me just ask You some questions to try to figure out what can be done. (I have read the wiki about OXP, I just need some clarifications.)

1: Is it possible to move planets in a galaxy?
2: Is it possible to change the starting position?
3: Is it possible to use just one galaxy, and disable the other ones?
4: Is it possible to disable the galaxy drive?
5: If I add planets in a system, how are the coordinates defined?


Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:43 pm
by LittleBear
1 & 2 - No.
3 & 4 - Could do it by disabling the Hyperdrive, overwiting the entry in equipment with an OXP equipment plist with the same key and setting the tech level to an imposible one like 99. But it wouldn't make you very popular with your player! There are about 50 odd missions to do out there and they take place in different galaxies.

5 - Co-ordinates are the usual x / y / z. Easiest way is just to play about with the numbers until the planet is where it feels right.

Re: Traveller Oolite

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 12:45 pm
by JensAyton
BeRKA wrote:
1: Is it possible to move planets in a galaxy?
BeRKA wrote:
2: Is it possible to change the starting position?
BeRKA wrote:
3: Is it possible to use just one galaxy, and disable the other ones?
4: Is it possible to disable the galaxy drive?
Sort of. It should be possible to disable the galactic witchdrive by replacing its equipment entry with something of the same name which can never be purchased. Any OXP ships which come with one preinstalled would probably still work.
BeRKA wrote:
5: If I add planets in a system, how are the coordinates defined?
See the wiki, specifically OXP howto plist: planetinfo.plist and Methods: Looking for, and adding ships.

Re: Traveller Oolite

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 1:10 pm
by BeRKA
Thank You for the answers.

The answer of question-1 was the answer I expected. The answer of question-2 was not what I hoped for, but it really doesn't matter.

For question 3 and 4, it was good to hear that it could be done. There is nothing like it in the Traveller RPG.

After the suggestion to read about how to add ships, I now understand how to add planets.

So, my idea for the Traveller RPG mod would then be to use galaxy-1. the player starts at Lave, that will have to be renamed. All other planets in galaxy-1 will be renamed and modified to fit better in a Traveller RPG setting. The galaxy drive will be disabled. A few new ships will be added. This is a big project, but I will have fun doing it. :)

The project is not meant to be used with the original Oolite universe, but I guess there would be no real problems having 2 executables?


Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 3:25 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
One could add a mission_script that removes GalDrives whenever the player launches or loads a game (to prevent cheating).
Might be a nice touch to re-imburse the player whenever this happens.

Anyone for a scavengerhunt in gal3?
Obtain all 10 data-crystals / devices/ researchers to reproduce the lost technology of the GHD. Untill this time, no GHD will function and none should be offered for sale. (make all planets >tech10= tech8 or script equipment-sales)

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:49 pm
by Commander McLane
@ LB, Ahruman & A_H: Where are your manners, folks? Don't we say welcome to a first-poster anymore? :wink:

@ BeRKA: Welcome to the boards and the game! If you--in addition to the wiki--browse through some existing OXPs, you will soon get a feeling of what can be done and in which way. And if you get stuck, there are quite some people on the boards who are more than happy to give advice and help. Best of luck with your mod! And--of course--much fun with just playing Oolite (which is an awesome version of Elite, so you really should enjoy it). :D

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:59 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
Frak! You are right!

My sincerest appologies dear commander, your first post did not have the hallmarks of a 'harmless' member, so I neglected to check your rating.

With backwards compatability:
Welcome to the boards BeRKA. :D

I hope you will find a productive vent for your creativity in Oolite.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 10:44 pm
by JensAyton
Keep in mind that my most common respond to forum newbies is to delete their account and ban their e-mail domain and, if they’ve posted anything which no-one else has deleted yet, also ban their IP address. In comparison, this was very friendly. ;-)

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 3:42 am
by Cmdr. Maegil
@Ahruman: Right, as if!
One word for you: Callas.

@BeRKA: Welcome To the boards!
I'm not sure of what you mean to do, but Elite and its sequels - and specially Oolite with its OXPs - are also playable as level-less single player RPGs.
In fact, most if not all of the old salts have personas and often write in-character.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 7:38 am
by BeRKA
Thank You for your welcome and support. :)

I will set up a project page and recruit some help.

I'll keep You informed, and will probably get back to you with more questions.