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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:09 am
by Tool
Oh dear!

I investigated last day considerably about OXP.s

but I found (It seems like) that there are many small single packs, instead of one that packs all extensions together. Am I right?

There are so many!

So im unsure witch single written addons I need or wish. There are so many!
Witch of them I would hate?

Furthermore I dont now whether I can go on with my saved dangerous commander or I have to restart at Lave with 100 credits after a couple of updates. To tell the truth I cant imagine that I have to restart, it should work to go on with a saved commander, but I want to play it save!

So is anybody out there who agrees to give me a short oxp-tutorial?

I´m especially interestet in extendet graphics and new ships. Besides that i heared about extendet communication logs and some nice additional features an missions. But what ist where? where ist what?

I´m not sure whether I want to have all at once and I can try to advise at large.... but maybe that there are more common, very famous OXPs (basic OXPs, erveryone has them self-evident)

e.g what are the first three I have to add on basically, where are the extensions of communication logs?

thank you, there is no need to hurry!

    Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:29 am
    by Dr. Nil

    You can read about OXPs here:

    OXPs are easy to install and uninstall and you only have a problem with uninstalling if you've bought a ship from an OXP you removed.

    I'd say add a few at a time, and just keep adding as long as you don't experience problems with running the game smoothly.

    The game has actually been quite playable for me even with about 100 OXPs installed and I only have 512 mb RAM. (it takes a little longer to start the game when resources are strained).

    Which ones you like is a matter of taste. I'd recommend trying them all out and if any of them bothers you - it's very easy to remove it. Permanently by deleting the folder or temporarily by making a folder named 'out' in your add-ons folder and putting the expansions you don't want running at the moment into it.

    Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:34 pm
    by Tool
    ok ok.

    I know this site and I found the "step-by-step-guide"

    I´m busy now :D.

    Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:56 pm
    by Kaiserspike
    Is there a textured planets oxp available for mac osX? Lave looks great in the pic

    Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:40 pm
    by Uncle Reno
    No, unfortunately not, it's only available for the PC due to, I believe, program compatability issues.

    Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:17 pm
    by Kaiserspike
    what a shame, oh well :cry: