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Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:39 pm
by Commander McLane
TGHC wrote:
They count as alien items when scooped, and can be twice as valuable as the bounty. I guess it depends on whether you want kills or cash.
Actually no. IIRC the maximum price you can get for alien items is just below 70 cr, which is far from twice as valuable. And there is also a good chance that you're in a system where you get only below 30 cr for alien items. Then you have to take them to another system to make a good profit, which means they block some of your cargo space during your next jump, hindering you to take other cargo with a better profit. :( Anyway 50 cr is more than the average price you can get for alien items.

Therefore I would say all in all it's a better decision to blow them up, get 50 cr guaranteed AND a kill. :)

BTW the only exception are Thargorns which have already been scooped by another ship and float in space again after that ship has been destroyed. If you shoot them they give you only the same bounty as any cargopod (1 cr?, 0.1 cr?, I'm not sure right now) and NO kill. So in that case it's obviously better to scoop them and sell them.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:39 pm
by Killer Wolf
yeah, but those alien items cost you nowt, so they're 100% pure profit. even at C25 a ton, that's a damn good mark-up as the best trades i get are like puters bought at about 67 and sold for 101, so you've got approx the same profit, w/out having to do a buy/sell run.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:08 pm
Commander McLane wrote:
IIRC the maximum price you can get for alien items is just below 70 cr,
Well it's quite a bit more than that, I always hang on to alien items untill I get to Hoopys.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:33 pm
by lolwhites
I once docked with a passing Leviathan and flogged my thargons for 80Cr apiece.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:17 am
by Commander McLane
TGHC wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
IIRC the maximum price you can get for alien items is just below 70 cr,
Well it's quite a bit more than that, I always hang on to alien items untill I get to Hoopys.
Ok, I haven't installed Hoopy, so I'm depending on the prices in the usual stations.

But still, as long as you hang on to anything in your cargo bay, you waste the profit you could otherwise make by buying and selling something else. Any ton carried for two or three jumps brings profit only once. But it seems better to empty your bay in every system and fill it again. (Of course that doesn't apply to gold, platinum and gemstones, as you can carry as much as you want of these, so it's always best to hang on to them until you arrive in a high price system.)

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:24 am
To be frank, once you get your ship blinged, and you can afford anything and everything you get to the point when the price doesn't matter and you just empty your cargo hold.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:28 am
by Commander McLane
That's true. But still, even with a max'd out Imperial Courier, way more than a million credits in the bank and above 8000 kills it's nice to make profit.

And to continue playing. Because I never thought of being ELITE as finishing the game. That's the nice thing about the open-end-structure. There are a lot of missions I haven't done yet (still in Galaxy 3, and very much looking forward to Assassins, to name only one), and new missions being released by people on this forum, so for another long time playing Oolite won't get boring. :lol:

As long as my computer stands up. I'm recently having problems with the screen on my laptop, the background light going off every now and then. And that's no good for a space game, where the dominating color is, well, black. :(

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:18 am
by Killer Wolf
"Military Shield Enhancements are available at good TL 13 and above stations"

i visited a TL13 one in G1 last night, just to price them up - nothing there. do they just come and go, or is it only certain planets that have them? :-/

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:27 am
by Rxke
You sure you're flying a ship that can have them installed? Not all ships can...

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:28 am
by Captain Hesperus
Killer Wolf wrote:
"Military Shield Enhancements are available at good TL 13 and above stations"

i visited a TL13 one in G1 last night, just to price them up - nothing there. do they just come and go, or is it only certain planets that have them? :-/
What ship are you flying? Only certain ships (Cobras, etc.) have the capacity to carry MSE's, ships like Pythons (Booo! Hiss! Unfair!!) can't so they are not offered. It's like regardless of TL, you won't see missiles or Q-bombs in the F3 screen if you have a full rack of missiles (though there will be the option to sell all missiles).

I believe it says what extra kit a ship can be equipped with in the shipdata.plist.

Captain Hesperus
"I want a ship with good defensive ability. Anyone know the asking price for a Behemoth?"

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:57 am
by Killer Wolf
Well that's the answer then, i'm in a Python. tch. all that travel for nothing.

ooh, on a completely unrelated topic, anyone hang around Ensoreus? have you noticed how prone the pilots there are to flying into the Nav Buoy?? lot more times than anywhere else i launch to see a few metal shards and nowt else. last night, i was closing in on Hoopy's and off in the distance there was a flickering of light, and yes, and other buoy bit the dust.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:37 am
by Captain Hesperus
Killer Wolf wrote:
ooh, on a completely unrelated topic, anyone hang around Ensoreus? have you noticed how prone the pilots there are to flying into the Nav Buoy?? lot more times than anywhere else i launch to see a few metal shards and nowt else. last night, i was closing in on Hoopy's and off in the distance there was a flickering of light, and yes, and other buoy bit the dust.
Ensoreus, (52,224), TL: 11, Black Fat Felines, Corporate State, This planet is a tedious little planet renowned for it's inhabitants eccentric hatred of navigation Beacons. :lol:

Captain Hesperus
"Well, you can please some of the Black Fat Felines some of the theme..."

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:14 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
The thing with Thargorns is, you need to keep weaving and dodging to avoid those plasmabursts.

The trick with the cruiser is destroying the central weaponpods first, hit and run baby. ;)

Terrorizers are plain annoying in their loopdeloops,
just let the Behemoth or their own motherships handle them.

...So where the heck did I leave my specific Thargorn threaD?

I want to ask whether more people have had bugs surface in v1.69.1?

The parser CTD bug experienced by PCv1.69 users is solved...I think.
The bug is due to that I intentionally saved in UTF-8 format, the new parser won't accept this anymore. Somewhere I got the idea that UTF8 was the preferred format for plists, obviously wrong.

I'll be updating the OXP this weekend, changing roles (and thus names), so that terrorizers and thorgorns no longer attack eachother as non-thargoid.
secondly I'll try to adress the lack of tharglets launching from battleships/cruisers and the absence of escorts.

This should make these guys even more dangerous.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:54 am
by Commander McLane
Arexack_Heretic wrote:
The thing with Thargorns is, you need to keep weaving and dodging to avoid those plasmabursts.

The trick with the cruiser is destroying the central weaponpods first, hit and run baby. ;)

Terrorizers are plain annoying in their loopdeloops,
just let the Behemoth or their own motherships handle them.
Hm, Thargorns, Cruisers, Battleships, Terrorizers, Motherships... I don't really care. I just shoot them all up until they're dead. Or am I doing something wrong when I do so? 8)

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:03 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
Unless your target send you a message in the line of "What you are doing is wrong, why are you killing us?" and instead send you something more like "Let's *DANCE* and make *JUICY*, you are *FRUMPLE*!" then it is ok to destroy and kill with impunity.