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Opinions etc
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:33 am
by Killer Wolf
Okay - about my ship model. i want a few opinions about what's "uber" in the universe. the gen on the ship is it's specifically to be a fast hunter type thing w/ custom big engines, so i looked over the standard Oolite basics PDF wotsit and made its top speed .625l : given that the Viper Interceptor was 0.5l. now- i've read somewhere that some people consider anything >0.4 in the military class and perhaps too much so, i wanna few opinions as to what i should do, cos i don't want to make an OXP that jars w/ the rest of the game for all your purists. i know some ships are given just wildly improbable stats (X-wing has SIX missiles?! where do they fit?!), but i was trying to be logical in my mind, in that the theory is the ship is fairly large but internals space cut down cargo area and side/rear weapon mounts in favour of engine space etc.
but anyways - thoughts, opinions....??
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:25 am
by Dr. Nil
Besides seeing scales sorted out so the big classes of ships get bigger and the small classes get smaller, I'd also like to see the smaller ships get a lot faster and the larger ships get a lot less agile.
I don't really care about any 'true' physics. I just want my gaming to look like if I was watching a good action sci-fi movie or series.
Fast paced space battles with small fighters zipping about and huuuge freighters struggling to turn.
It might require some completely new ways of controlling crafts and acquiring targets, but it would make for a lot more realism (in the fictional sense of what we are used to seeing in the movies and series).
I think that this change should start with the original ships, so oxp'ers could use the basic ships for comparison when introducing new ones.
My own Teretrurus MK1 is currently uberspeed at .405 to make up for this, cargo is at 10t and non-expandable (because everything is taken up by engines) and to buy one and fully equip it will cost you more than 800k - that makes for some quite expensive maintenance bills which it can be quite hard to make enough money for, given the small cargo space.
I think anything uber should come with serious drawbacks. Like the Anaconda which clearly has such a cargo capacity that it does not make sense that it should be able to dock. Therefore it should not be seen as a really existing ship at the shipyards. Instead when someone is suckered into believing that such a ship is really docked at a station and chooses to shell out for one, a Game Over should be scripted telling the player that he now after being the mark of this scam is completely broke and has to spend eternity sweeping corridors and waxing hulls at the current station.
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:38 pm
Dr. Nil wrote:Like the Anaconda which clearly has such a cargo capacity that it does not make sense that it should be able to dock.
It would make sense for there to be an external docking point and a series of tug ships transferring cargo cannisters to the space station (at a cost of course), for all ships too large to dock.
There's something like this in Assassins.
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:47 pm
by Killer Wolf
TGHC wrote:Dr. Nil wrote:Like the Anaconda which clearly has such a cargo capacity that it does not make sense that it should be able to dock.
It would make sense for there to be an external docking point and a series of tug ships transferring cargo cannisters to the space station (at a cost of course), for all ships too large to dock.
There's something like this in Assassins.
that'd be interesting - your profit could be compromised in having to pay the Coriolis for it's robotugs, until you bought some of your own, maybe.
given the spin of the stations, how'd you do the external docking tho? i always though it unfeasible to have the station spinning like that, a static one seemed much more likely. i suppose the spin is meant to be generating gravity, but in the future surely they'd have a grav generator or something instead?
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:27 pm
Killer Wolf wrote:how'd you do the external docking tho? i always though it unfeasible to have the station spinning like that, a static one seemed much more likely.
I would think something like a navigation beacon or a Hoopys would do the job, (wait for it I've had a brainwave) call it a Cargo Terminal!
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:20 pm
by Roberto
@Killer Wolf - personally, I think 0.625 is *way* too fast. You'll be able to outrun just about anything, and by a fair margin. I'd say 0.45 maximum, but anything that can do 0.4 or above ought to be pretty damn expensive. (I'd class the Wolf Mk II as a "fast hunter", and that does 0.38.) But that's just my personal view!
@Dr Nil - yep, the Anaconda really ought to be a lot bigger, with a capacity of 750TC. So the stations *definitely* should be bigger, for it to fit inside!
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:17 am
by Dr. Nil
Roberto wrote:@Dr Nil - yep, the Anaconda really ought to be a lot bigger, with a capacity of 750TC. So the stations *definitely* should be bigger, for it to fit inside!
Which of course might also be a reason to make the planets a lot bigger and then make the distances in-system greater and up the average speed of ships. All of which are things that would get my vote - at least atm.
The Taranis station is huuge as I recall it, but it might well be closer to the size the game should aim for than the default system stations.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:30 pm
by Killer Wolf
speaking of stations and all that stuff, when you model one intstead of a ship is it east to give it an attribut so that if your ship goes to point x you trigger the dock/trading bits? is there a bit in the shipdata plists?
could quite fancy building a few stations, ones you could interact w/, not just there for eye candy.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:00 pm
by Griff
i don't think there is an attribute you set so that oolite knows you're safely inside the docking bay, i think it just sort of sees that your co-ordinates are now inside the model and that you didn't hit any walls or anything so you must be docked.
Dr. Nil posted up a link to a great tutorial in a thread i started when i was having bother making a station, you can see it here ... ties#20007
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:56 pm
by Roberto
@Dr Nil - yup, I designed it to be more the sort of size I think a station should be. Although it could probably do with a bit more "parking space" around the entrance! If I get around to a v2...
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:17 am
by Killer Wolf
cheers Griff, will look into that. got an idea for a huuuge station but it won't have spinny docking slots, i just wanted to know how the game would recognise it AS a station and take action, rather than trating it as a big ship.
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:58 pm
by Dr. Nil
Perhaps if we get more large stations, someone will eventually make the planets and other scales larger to make everything fit
@Roberto: I still haven't played the mission though. I visited when I was to green to get it offered. It'll probably be beyond v.2 before I get back to G1. I've been stuck in G4 for ages (all the time that I can fit in for Oolite is spend on playtesting, oxp'ing and reading on this BB.
@KW: You can give your station "station" as one of it's roles.
Re: Size is everything!
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 10:48 am
by DavidKroc
Sorry to dig up a so old topic, but I’m wondering about Elite/Oolite classic ships size.
If I look at Elite Dangerous ships size, Cobra MK III is (WxHxL) in meters: 44x8x27.1 while it’s 130x30x65 in Oolite for almost the same cargo capacity.
So, I wonder if the size in Oolite could have been feet instead of meters? In that case, the result would be 40x9x20 meters for Oolite, a size mutch closer to Elite dangerous and that woyld better match with the plan of this page:
The same feet to meters conversion works for the Oolite Sidewinder and brings it from unrealistic 65x15x35 m to 20x4.5x10.7 m, closer to Elite Dangerous values of 21x5x14.
Don’t you think original Elite ships sizes were mistakenly considered to be in meters when they were in fact in feet?
Re: Size is everything!
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 12:26 pm
by DavidKroc
I just found my answer there:
Re: Size is everything!
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 5:30 pm
by Cholmondely
DavidKroc wrote: ↑Thu Jan 02, 2025 10:48 am
Sorry to dig up a so old topic, but I’m wondering
Welcome to the boards!
Like you, I find many gems in the old posts.
Yes, we were decimated by the decimalizers, and have been suffering ever since. But salvation is at hand! The Galactic Almanac allows an Imperial choice for its distance displays - and the author Littlebear even included the Venetian Republic’s Cavezzi as an option.
Redspear’s Janes Galactic Shipset tweaks the ship dimensions a tad, but I fear he failed to undo all the damage