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Re: Docking Tunnel Length

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:40 am
by Cholmondely
Stumbled across this page in the wiki (Multiple Docks) which mentions a 4km long cone ahead of the docking port needing to be clear of objects.

Re: Docking Tunnel Length

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:59 am
by hiran
Cholmondely wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:40 am
Stumbled across this page in the wiki (Multiple Docks) which mentions a 4km long cone ahead of the docking port needing to be clear of objects.
Kudos to you and your navigational skills to dig out such gems! It answers my questions and so much more I did not even think about... 😀

Re: Docking Tunnel Length

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:09 pm
by Cholmondely
I'm wondering if any OXPs actually do anything with this. The only ones which come to mind are the Kiota stations and Superhub.

But Cim wrote that Multiple Docks page in 2012/13 and also wrote Rescue Stations OXP at that time. The HQ of Rescue Stations looks like this:


Does it employ Multiple Docks?

The relevant chunk of the Shipdata.plist is

Code: Select all

"rrs_headquarters" = {
		allegiance = "neutral";
		name = "RRS Headquarters";
		ai_type = "rescue_headquartersAI.plist";
		model = "rrs_headquarters_asteroid.dat";
		"scanner_display_color1" = "orangeColor";
		"scanner_display_color2" = "greenColor";
		scan_class = "CLASS_STATION";
		materials = {
			"rrs_hq_asteroid_diffuse.png" = { 
				diffuse_map = { name = "rrsfl_rock_cube.png"; cube_map = "true";};
				normal_map = "rrsfl_rock_normal.png";
				shininess = 2;
				specular_color = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);
		smooth = "yes";
		roles = "rrs_galactic_hq rrs_group_spacestation";
		frangible = 0;
		max_energy = 25000;
		energy_recharge_rate = 100;
		is_carrier = 1;
		defense_ship_role = "rrs-defender";
		max_defense_ships = 12;
		equivalent_tech_level = 0;
		equipment_price_factor = 2;
		has_shipyard = 0;
		max_police = 0;
		max_scavengers = 3;			
		"requires_docking_clearance" = yes;
		"market" = "rescue_hq";
		"market_script" = "rrs_market.js";
		script_info = {
			bgs_tunnel_texture = "rrsfl_hq_bgs_tunnel.png";
		subentities = (
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_construct";
				position = "0 0 0";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay";
				position = "750 836.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay";
				position = "250 836.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay";
				position = "-250 836.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay";
				position = "-750 836.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay";
				position = "750 86.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay";
				position = "250 86.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_dock";
				position = "-250 86.5 1685.8";
				is_dock = "true";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay";
				position = "-750 86.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff";
				position = "750 836.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff";
				position = "250 836.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff";
				position = "-250 836.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff";
				position = "-750 836.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff";
				position = "750 86.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff";
				position = "250 86.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff";
				position = "-250 86.5 1685.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff";
				position = "-750 86.5 1685.8";
					// may need to shader these objects too
			{ // bay 1
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "arafura";
				position = "750 796.5 1650.8";
			{ // bay 2
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "viper";
				position = "305 776.5 1695.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "viper";
				position = "195 776.5 1695.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "viper";
				position = "305 776.5 1575.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "viper";
				position = "195 776.5 1575.8";
			{ // bay 3
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rescue_missile";
				position = "-305 779.5 1705.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rescue_missile";
				position = "-195 779.5 1705.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rescue_missile";
				position = "-305 779.5 1590.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "rescue_missile";
				position = "-195 779.5 1590.8";
			{ // bay 4
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "arafura";
				position = "-750 796.5 1650.8";
			{ // bay 5
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "cobra3-trader";
				position = "750 35.5 1625.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "mamba-escort";
				position = "805 28.5 1705.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "mamba-escort";
				position = "695 28.5 1705.8";
			{ // bay 6
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "arafura";
				position = "250 46.5 1650.8";
			// bay 7 is docking bay
			{ // bay 8
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "python";
				position = "-750 40.5 1635.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "krait";
				position = "-800 28.5 1695.8";
				type = "standard";
				subentity_key = "krait";
				position = "-700 28.5 1695.8";
		script = "rrs_hq_script.js";

	"rrs_headquarters_construct" = {
		model = "rrs_headquarters_construction.dat";
		roles = "rrs_hq_component";
		materials = {
			"rrs_hq_construction_diffuse.png" = {
				emission_map = "rrsfl_hq_construction_emission.png";
				diffuse_map = "rrsfl_hq_construction_diffuse.png";
				illumination_map = "rrsfl_hq_construction_illumination.png";
				normal_map = "rrsfl_hq_construction_normal.png";
				specular_map = "rrsfl_hq_construction_diffuse.png";

	"rrs_headquarters_bay" = {
		model = "rrs_headquarters_bay.dat";
		roles = "rrs_hq_component rrs_hq_bay";
		materials = {
			"rrs_hq_dock_diffuse.png" = {
				diffuse_map = "rrsfl_hq_dock_diffuse.png";
				"vertex_shader" = "rrs-default.vertex";
				"fragment_shader" = "rrs-hq-inside.fragment";
				uniforms = {
					uDiffuseMap = {
						type = texture;
						value = 0;
					uPersonality = entityPersonality;
				textures = (

	"rrs_headquarters_bay_dock" = {
		like_ship = "rrs_headquarters_bay";
		roles = "rrs_hq_component rrs_hq_bay rrs_hq_bay_dock";
		materials = {
			"rrs_hq_dock_diffuse.png" = {
				diffuse_map = "rrsfl_hq_dock_diffuse.png";
				normal_map = "rrs_hq_dock_normal.png";
				illumination_map = "rrs_hq_dock_emission.png";
				"vertex_shader" = "rrs-default.vertex";
				"fragment_shader" = "rrs-hq-inside-activebay.fragment";
				uniforms = {
					uDiffuseMap = {
						type = texture;
						value = 0;
					uLandingLightMap = {
						type = texture;
						value = 1;
					uNormalMap = {
						type = texture;
						value = 2;
					uTime = timeElapsedSinceSpawn;
				textures = (
					{ name = "rrs_hq_dock_emission.png";
						min_filter = "linear";
						anisotropy = 1;
						texture_LOD_bias = -1;


	"rrs_headquarters_bay_ff" = {
		model = "rrs_headquarters_bay_ff.dat";
		roles = "rrs_hq_component rrs_hq_ff";
		materials = {
			"rrs_forcefield.png" = {
				"diffuse_map" = "rrs_forcefield.png";
				textures = (
				"vertex_shader" = "rrs-default.vertex";
				"fragment_shader" = "rrs-forcefield.fragment";
				uniforms = {
					uDiffuseMap = {
						type = texture;
						value = 0;
					uTime = timeElapsedSinceSpawn;
					uOffset = entityPersonality;

And there is also this (rrs_hq_script.js):

Code: Select all

"use strict";      = "cim"; 
this.copyright   = "2011-2015 cim."; 
this.licence = "CC-BY-SA 3.0"; = "RRS Headquarters Script";

this.dockposition = undefined;

this.initialiseStation = function() {
		var busyness = Math.random()/2;
		var subents = this.ship.subEntities;
		var bays = new Array();
		var ffs = new Array();
		var positions = new Array();
		for (var i=0;i<subents.length;i++) {
				if (subents[i].hasRole("rrs_hq_bay")) {
						if (!subents[i].hasRole("rrs_hq_bay_dock")) {
						} else {
								var activedockpos = subents[i].position;
				} else if (subents[i].hasRole("rrs_hq_ff")) {
				} else if (!subents[i].hasRole("rrs_hq_component")) {
						if (Math.random() < busyness) {
		positions.sort(function(a,b) { return Math.random()-0.5; });
		for (var i=0;i<bays.length;i++) {
				if (bays[i].hasRole("rrs_hq_bay_dock")) {
						for (var j=0;j<ffs.length;j++) {
								if (ffs[j].position.distanceTo(bays[i].position) < 50) {
						this.dockposition = bays[i].position;
				} else {
						bays[i].position = positions.shift();


Question: Can I link this oxp to the Multiple Docks wiki page as an example of how to do it?

Re: Docking Tunnel Length

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 4:51 am
by phkb
Cholmondely wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:09 pm
Question: Can I link this oxp to the Multiple Docks wiki page as an example of how to do it?
The RRS HQ is made to look like it's a multi-dock station, but actually, only one dock is active. The other docks have force-fields in place and you can see parked ships behind the field.
For example:

However, I believe cim did put together another multi-dock station as a proof of concept. I'll see if I can track it down.

Re: Docking Tunnel Length

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:19 pm
by Cholmondely
phkb wrote: Sat Jan 20, 2024 4:51 am
However, I believe cim did put together another multi-dock station as a proof of concept. I'll see if I can track it down.
Found these:
cim wrote: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:40 am
"allow_player_docking" has become "disallowed_docking_collides" (with opposite sense!) in the new multi-dock code (still read-only for the moment, but I'll make it read/write at some point to give the "docking bay doors" requestors an easy answer). This simplifies the underlying code and fixes a couple of bugs. The Javascript acceptDockingRequestFrom method can be used to implement the old behaviour of "allow_player_docking" in a more flexible way.
cim wrote: Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:19 am
It is now possible to assign multiple docks to a station or carrier.

Docks can be set up as launch-only, dock-only, or the default dual-use, and traffic control will reasonably intelligently route traffic to the appropriate docks for best docking and launching rates. Player docking can be explicitly allowed or disallowed at a particular dock. Docks can be given labels, which will be used when instructing the player on where to dock (unless the station only has one dock).

Docks which are set launch-only will repel and damage ships trying to dock with them.

A quick example OXP which adds the pictured ship to high planetary orbit - beacon M - and has it launch and recall traders.
Needless to say, the " ... " link is long dead...

Re: Docking Tunnel Length

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:25 pm
by cim

Re: Docking Tunnel Length

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:38 pm
by Cholmondely
Here's what cim's Multi-Dock Test Carrier looks like:


Ships launching from 2nd & 3rd docks (count the red dots!).

From his ReadMe:
This is a test OXP which adds a basic multiple-dock carrier to high planetary orbit, hopefully out of the way of anything important, and has it launch and recall traders.

Dock 1 is set docking-only, Dock 2 is launch-only, and Docks 3 and 4 are dual-purpose.

Note that it intentionally has a design flaw (the docking corridors for Docks 1 and 4 are positioned such that ships docking in them will sometimes block launches from Docks 2 and 3)
When I requested docking permission, it directed me to dock #3.

Added to our wiki: Multiple Docking page, Brilliant but Broken (UnBroken Proofs of Concept), Guide to Unlisted OXPs (Proofs of Concept)

You might need to add in a semi-colon to make the shipdata.plist parse perfectly (line 16, after the paranthesis)