Release: Vampire MkVI

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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by Killer Wolf »

can't find details but haven't had a lot of time for a full search - the new spec map seems to just be a greyscale w/ black being no shine to white being full shine, and that level of shine is defined by the "gloss" attribute? i take it i don't need a fragment or vertex entry for these?
the effects file and related fragment/vertex files i had were Griff's whereby the green levels affected gloss, and the blue reacted to heat for engine effects ~ i guess i can bin the green bit, is it ok to keep the shaders and a blue image or is there something in-game to replace this? i didn't use it much but it did work very nicely on things like the engine vents of the Werewolf.

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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by another_commander »

The new spec map is rgb, but most materials in nature reflect white light, hence most spec maps appear as shades of gray. Gold or copper, for example, would be using yellow and reddish rgb values in the spec map respectively.

The spec map represents the amount of light reflected off the surface of the material. Metals have quite high values, around 65-80%, while non-metals (also called dielectrics) typically have very low values, around 4%. Low reflectivity goes towards black, high reflectivity goes towards white. Gloss on the other hand (stored in the alpha channel of the spec map) is a grayscale texture and represents how concentrated the reflected speculars are. High gloss values correspond to specular reflections that are concentrated in a small area and are close to white, while low gloss ones represent rough surfaces with significant spread of the reflection and are close to black.

Note that the old Griff shaders do not utilize the concept of material gloss and/or roughness. This is a concept that appeared in later PBR workflows.

I guess by "blue image" you are referring to the normal map? If so, yes, you need the default Oolite shaders and normal maps for the render workflow to be complete. To summarize, you need albedo (i.e. diffuse map - this should carry no lighting information at all, just the colors of the objects, lighting is taken care of exclusively by the shaders), specular/gloss and normal maps as minimum. You can add emission map and you can bake emission values also in the alpha channel of the diffuse (like the default core shipset does). You can then define materials in a way similar to what I did for the Vampire and, basically, that's it.

All the above is explained in excruciating detail, with links to tutorials and other sources in the thread here.
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by Killer Wolf »

Much obliged A.C. :-)
looks like i've got a bit new playing-about and experimenting to do.

the "blue image" i referred to was the blue-painted parts of my effects.png image - the blue areas reacted w/ the shader to glow repreent heat.
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by another_commander »

Killer Wolf wrote: Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:04 am
the "blue image" i referred to was the blue-painted parts of my effects.png image - the blue areas reacted w/ the shader to glow repreent heat.
Oh, ok. In that case the default current shaders will not handle this type of effect, I'm afraid. You can still achieve it though. You will just need to override the default shaders using a 'shaders =' section in shipdata plist, copying the current shaders to your own ones and adding code to handle your intended effect. It is a bit more complicated than normal but it is doable. Unfortunately it requires some level of fluency in glsl.
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by Alucard »

A nice rework of ship :) I do like the energy ... but is it intended for ship not to have either of the following available

1. Cargo Bay Expansion
2. Shield Boosters
3. Military Shield Enhancement
4. Naval Energy Unit

... no shields then no "Hunt for the Constrictor"
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by Alucard »

Actually I found a lot more missing. I hope it's acceptable but I have edited the OXP (shipyard.plist - optional) from


and added

Last edited by Alucard on Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: editing Vampire MkVI

Post by Old Murgh »

Alucard wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:00 am
I hope it's acceptable but I have edited ..
Not only acceptable but in the spirit! :D
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by montana05 »

Alucard wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:00 am

As much as I know the EQ_ENERGY_BOMB doesn't exist anymore, you might want to replace it with EQ_QC_MINE.
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by Killer Wolf »

i appear to have misunderstood something [shocker, yeah?!]
i thought/misremebered that the optional list was a list of what might appear on the ships for sale when they get genned up on the sales list :-/

well-spotted thanks for the editting! i'll amend my new ship accordingly.

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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by Nite Owl »

Be aware that a "EQ_CARGO_BAY" entry in a shipyard.plist requires a corresponding "extra_cargo" = [#] entry in a shipdata.plist in order to define the capacity of the Cargo Bay Extension for that ship. Fairly certain it is the only such entry that has to be in two places at once.
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by phkb »

Nite Owl wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 7:29 pm
Be aware that a "EQ_CARGO_BAY" entry in a shipyard.plist requires a corresponding "extra_cargo" = [#] entry in a shipdata.plist in order to define the capacity of the Cargo Bay Extension for that ship. Fairly certain it is the only such entry that has to be in two places at once.
It will default to 15 if that entry isn't there, I think.
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by Slartibartfast »

It will default to 15 if that entry isn't there, I think.
yes ... you are right --- of course

==>> ... xtra_cargo

Code: Select all


Cargobay extension size can be customised. This is the amount the cargo capacity increases when an extra cargobay is installed. Default value is 15. It is only used with player ships.
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by Killer Wolf »

i've been having a try of the new shaders and plist layouts, and having an issue, in that my emission map isn't working. the shipdata says;

Code: Select all

		materials =
			"testship" =
				diffuse_map = "testSKIN.png"; 
				gloss = 1.0;
	//			specular_color = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
				shininess = 20;
				normal_map = "testNORM.png";
				emission_map = "testLITES.png";
				specular_map = "testSPEC.png";
which i mostly cribbed from Griff's Sidewinder test. SKIN is a normal paint job, NORM was created using the nvidia filter as usual, SPEC is a quick greyscale and opacity test, and LITES is the usual flat colours on black - and it's not showing up at all. i even scribbled a big bright green "KW" on the wing of my ship in case my eyes were plauing up w/ the small windows/lights, but there's absolutely nothing showing ~ am i missing something else? The log doesn't mention anything. Griff didn't have the emission map so i added it from the wiki.

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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by another_commander »

I don't have your test OXP handy, but the emission map works fine on my update to your Vampire Mk 6, which is similar to the shipdata.plist excerpt you posted. My recommendations for attenpting to correct the materials entry are the following:

Code: Select all

		materials =
			//"testship" =     <----- Commented out, replaced with line below - try referring to the diffuse map
			"testSKIN.png" =
				diffuse_map = "testSKIN.png"; 
				gloss = 1.0;
	//			specular_color = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2);  <-------- This line can be removed, specular_color is ignored since you are specifying a specular map
				//shininess = 20;  <---------- Get rid of this; it's just confusing things, Oolite does not use it anymore.
				normal_map = "testNORM.png";
				emission_map = "testLITES.png";
				specular_map = "testSPEC.png";
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Re: Release: Vampire MkVI

Post by cbr »

The 'overall' name used in materials


must be the same as the one used in the .dat
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