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Re: Advice for running multiple contracts?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:23 pm
by Anonymissimus
Hello. Recently, I've begun to do multi contract runs, but it seems to turn out bad a lot, with missed deadlines all over the place. Does anyone have any advice/oxps/techniques/etc that could help me and other aspiring contract runners?
While mentioning all those short time suckers, such as docking, buying fuel etc, keep in mind that there are 2 things everything else is basically negligible in comparison to: The time you can gain by making short jumps and the one you can avoid to lose by avoiding ship modifications (maintenance, repairing/buying equipment).
(Not really gain time, but in comparison to the expected delivery time as that's calculated by fewest jumps.)

Re: Advice for running multiple contracts?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:34 am
by Diziet Sma
Cody wrote:
pack plenty of cannon-fodder around those injectors
RockDoctor wrote:
What? Do you mean to keep 10 TC of food in the dark corners of your cavernous hold, ready to dump when the laser bolts start mussing your paint job?
Cody wrote:
No, I carry booze for feeding pirates.
What Cody means by cannon-fodder (aka laser-fodder), is minor or relatively useless equipment installed in the hope that it will be damaged/destroyed rather than something crucial to survival, such as your injectors. (what equipment gets damaged when a laser-bolt gets through your shields is determined by the RNG.. the more gear you have installed, the less chance there is that something essential takes the hit)

Apart from nice-but-not-essential equipment, this can include things such as the Jelly Baby Dispenser, Beer Cooler, Tea Maker, and even, for those who can cope with the potential loss, the Ship's Cat. (Don't ask Cody about his cat; the Lord Effingham incident was a sad day indeed..)