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Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:45 am
by ClymAngus
I have one of these and find it invaluable, I would however have a relatively up to date computer to run it some of the older belkins can only be reprogrammed with an older mac (I think their PC compatibility is much more forgiving however).

I find mine well built and practically halves my reaction time.

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 8:52 am
by spud42
Alex wrote:
Bit off topic.
Has anyone in Oz noticed that to post to UK is about twice as much as from UK to Oz? Or is that just a WA thing to go with the W ait A while for everything?

Will be having a look into the logitech version.
yes i agree but postage from WA to QLD is almost as much. but the worst is the postage from USA.. on small items it can be up to twice the price of the item!!

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:31 am
by Smivs
...and yet I often buy things from China for 99p including delivery!

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 1:44 pm
by Fritz
That's something I never really understood. But this stuff comes per container ship and needs several weeks. Shipping rates for a 20' container from China to Europe seem to be only a few 100 $. And now think about how many faulty USB cables fit into one container!

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:35 pm
by spud42
well went to bed with about 8 hrs to go , no bids except mine.... and didnt win. so no problems about shipping. would have felt a bit of a heel if i had won at the minimum bid anyway. so glad you got some decent money for the belkin and hope you made a profit.

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:06 pm
by ffutures
Went to someone in Ireland for £11.60. Since I got it for £2.50 in Portobello Road I would have lost a bit if you'd been the only bidder, as it is I'm pretty happy.

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:47 am
by Diziet Sma
Alex wrote:
Bit off topic.
Has anyone in Oz noticed that to post to UK is about twice as much as from UK to Oz? Or is that just a WA thing to go with the W ait A while for everything?
It's a WA thing.. it's payback on all the Poms who emigrated to Perth. :twisted:

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 1:11 pm
by spud42
OI! i was 5 when i got here im now 55 so..... am i an aussie yet????

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:52 pm
by Diziet Sma
spud42 wrote:
OI! i was 5 when i got here im now 55 so..... am i an aussie yet????
Well, I was 5 when I got here, I'm now 56.. I consider myself an Aussie, and have for years.

As I tell people, "I'm Pommie by birth, not by choice.." :lol:

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:37 am
by Alex
Diziet Sma wrote:
spud42 wrote:
OI! i was 5 when i got here im now 55 so..... am i an aussie yet????
Well, I was 5 when I got here, I'm now 56.. I consider myself an Aussie, and have for years.

As I tell people, "I'm Pommie by birth, not by choice.." :lol:

Weren't born here so your either an import or feral.

I on the other hand am a Scot, Came here at the ripe old age of 26. 52 now.
Immigrated by accident. The Oz embassy said I was too old for a working holiday "Why don't you emigrate?"
Being a Scot I asked "How much?"
Oz Gov answered "$AU 900".
10 days later got my passport back with permanent residency papers.
Apparently I had over twice the 100 points required back then. Don't think doing it from Ankara embassy a couple of weeks before first Gulf war hampered the procedure either.

So really not a Prisoner Of Her Majesty POHM

Never going back. If I ever see snow again.. It'll be too soon.
Been here 26 years and still don't own a coat or jacket. Never seems cold enough to warrant buying one.
And that's the overriding reason to live here.
I can live with the slow internet.
For you Ozzies, NBN is a con.
I have the box in my house and hard wired to PC. Still under 25Mbs. Still, better than 56k and bleeding ears as it connected. :lol:
Kid brother in Scotland on an old cable tv connection boasting 110Mbs
the little Sh**!

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:01 am
by spud42
Dont get your kilt ruffled... lol

snow? yeah not a fan. Brisbane can get down to single figures but not often or for long!!! by 10 am is nice again....
well i got NBN and get 100/40 and it tests as 98/37. im in a new subdivision so i had no choice. its NBN or 4G . we are fibre to the house so got in before the change...
Speaking of 4G it cost Telstra dearly to keep giving me free 4G while they fought it out with NBN on who was going to fix the feed into the house... 9 months it took them when my NBN guy finally got the shits and sent a crew out to dig a new trench and lay a new fibre cable..... all because Stocklands sub contractor did a very poor job of laying the infrastructure. pipe barely 4" under ground and the lead in pipe that went under the retaining wall was full of dirt and stuff... but NBN signed off on the work so it was their baby...

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:44 am
by Diziet Sma
spud42 wrote:
Brisbane can get down to single figures but not often or for long!!! by 10 am is nice again....
Well.. nice when it ain't raining, anyway.. :wink:

There's a line missing off the old marketing propaganda slogan they used to use to promote Qld tourism:

"Queensland.. Beautiful one day, perfect the next"

"The other five days of the week, it pisses down!"

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:02 am
by Cody
Diziet Sma wrote:
Missing: "The other five days of the week, it pisses down!"
<sniggers> Ah yes, missing marketing lines...
Concorde: breakfast in London, lunch in New York, luggage in Barbados!

Re: Belkin Nostromo N52

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:47 am
by spud42
Diziet Sma wrote:
spud42 wrote:
Brisbane can get down to single figures but not often or for long!!! by 10 am is nice again....
Well.. nice when it ain't raining, anyway.. :wink:

There's a line missing off the old marketing propaganda slogan they used to use to promote Qld tourism:

"Queensland.. Beautiful one day, perfect the next"

"The other five days of the week, it pisses down!"
now hold on there a bit.. it may have rained that often when you were here but its been fine since you

actually i thought the third line was Japanese the next.... well they were buying everything when the ad campaign was going on... not so much since their economy tanked...pre GFC.....