Oh, so YOU'RE the one responsible.Have you considered that as your board sig?
"With our thoughts, we make the world"
A queue rapidly forms, of people with bones to pick with what your thoughts have done to them. The League of Oolite Widows at their head, with turkey basters and an angry glint in their gimlet-like eyes.
Does this board have a poll function? I think I saw a poll recently. What proportion of players are swhich gender? Or even "which gender". Or "switch gender". Or "other". Or multiple genders.
We know (it's canon somewhere - original manual?) that Thargoids are uniformly female - by analogy with Terrestrial social ("hive") insects ; but how many other genders do they have. If (again, canon, I think) they're from liquid ammonia (below -33degC) or ammonia-water eutectic (three distinct minima in the low -70s, with intermediate highs of around -50) worlds, then they could have some interestingly "different" biochemistry, such as triple-stranded genetic material and at least three sexes ...