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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:09 am
by Wiggy

Side views are probably of limited use, tactically, unless your target is remaining relatively still or moving along one of your axes.

So, flying alongside a behemoth, it's quite easy to scratch the side of its paintwork; but for ships moving freely, your ship will have to move bizarrely to keep up with it on side view.

I'm not convinved that top and bottom views would be any more effective.

I see no harm in a key press for 'gun only' movement, whilst the ship ploughed on its path. Perhaps Caps Lock on/off?

Alternatively, just remember that pitch is roll, and roll is pitch!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:20 pm
by Cmdr Monte
I use my starboard mount for minig too. I don't do any fancy manouvers to achieve it. I just fly past an aseroid and stop when I'm level with it.

I once tried to take out a python with side mounted mining lasers in the original elite. I got board eventualy and just killed him with my front lasers.

if the turrets make life too easy, perhaps they could be temporary, like i the end stage of a mission the navy lends you some super advanced craft for killing thargoids and you have to go fight in a battle. Maybe even flyinga behemouth. After the missions over, you get your old ship back. So you get to play with cool turrets but it doesn't make the game too easy in the long run?

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:19 pm
by CWolf
Possibly completely off topic (at the moment it appears crew come with the bigger ships?), but I always thought that in FE2 and FFE that crew should man the turrets. eg, if you are not controlling them manually then the AI would have a go at shooting for you.

Maybe this could be implemented into Oollite in some way. Or maybe best to ignore this post!

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:12 pm
by aegidian
If/when I get around to player-ship turrets, they'll be slaved to the targeting system - the locked target will gain a marker (possibly turning red) when the turret is able to fire, and then pressing the fire button will do the rest.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:57 pm
by ovvldc
aegidian wrote:
If/when I get around to player-ship turrets, they'll be slaved to the targeting system - the locked target will gain a marker (possibly turning red) when the turret is able to fire, and then pressing the fire button will do the rest.
No offense, but that makes life a bit easy... Not to mention that it would make three pirates frighteningly dangerous.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:11 pm
by CWolf
If you do do it that way be sure to add an element of error to it, otherwise we could end up with the remote locked turrets being more accurate than the pilot, easy way to win a fight, lock on and turn away!