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Re: Which word shoulda went where where was?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 1:59 am
by Wildeblood
What the hell happened to the poll results!? :evil:
Which word goes there?
Where 0% 0% [ 0 ]
When 0% 0% [ 0 ]
While 0% 0% [ 0 ]
Whereas 0% 0% [ 0 ]
Whilst 0% 0% [ 0 ]
You may select 1 option
Total votes : 0

Re: Which word shoulda went where where was?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:02 am
by ClymAngus
As a man who makes up words on a regular basis and has naught but contempt for the tzars of grammar. I find myself less than qualified to comment I'd have rewritten the entire thing.

(the problem is one of punctuation, I would suggest replacing the comma with a full stop and putting a comma after the where/whilst/bacon/eggs/whatever). Looks odd but it would be more like the spoken equivalent.

You see there is a fundamental problem here. Nelson looks towards Portsmouth, he is wearing a Bicorne. In order to "clip it" you have to be travelling either towards or away from the direction he's facing. (it wasn't clipped from the top because TB2 has a bowl undercarriage. It would have taken his head off). Which suggests a wing tip, which are out at the sides. No streets line up with the way Nelson is facing, or behind him.

TB2 Would therefore after doing itself significant damage, park itself in Admiralty arch or St Martian in the fields..... Not the best thing for an object powered by Rocket fuel and an atomic pile....... :/

Re: Which word shoulda went where where was?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 12:40 am
by SteveKing
ClymAngus wrote:
You see there is a fundamental problem here. Nelson looks towards Portsmouth, he is wearing a Bicorne. In order to "clip it" you have to be travelling either towards or away from the direction he's facing. (it wasn't clipped from the top because TB2 has a bowl undercarriage. It would have taken his head off). Which suggests a wing tip, which are out at the sides. No streets line up with the way Nelson is facing, or behind him.
Well that just reduced my 'suspension-of-disbelief-o-meter' to new lows since hearing Sean Connery's Scottish accent in his portrayal of a Russian submarine captain. It's a wonder I overlooked the fact that the flying green brick could do a non-powered landing at anything less than close to supersonic speeds. Geez, I loved being a kid :!:

edit: not sure if this reply should go in the TB thread. I'd hate to derail this one :wink:

ps I recast my vote too

The rise of 'non' as a universal negating prefix

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:40 am
by Wildeblood
SteveKing wrote:
It's a wonder I overlooked the fact that the flying green brick could do a non-powered landing at anything less than close to supersonic speeds.

Bloody hell, I see a squiggly red line under "unpowered" - no wonder the kids today and English as a later language crowd have trouble with this. Technology is leading people astray here.

(As neither #KidsToday nor #FLOTE, what's your excuse, Steve?)

Re: Which word shoulda went where where was?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:49 am
by SteveKing
Seeing a squiggly red line :oops:
My first response was unpowered :)