I love the extra stations. I like them because they give variation to the game.
Jumping from system to system to predictable prices in the main station kind of bores me.
I generally would love to have surprises and great profit opportunities randomly appearing In some station, And I would like to see the possibility to make some small profit from in system trading, because it makes sense. Otherwise why would anyone, npcs included make this journey?
the distance from the main station, which is the main trading centre of the system should be a factor to the prices, but especially for extra planets, there should be variation to the products of each planet. To me it would make sense en extra planet to have different economy from the main. Maybe the main is agricultural, because it is in the habitable orbit of the system, but an other planet is just an industrial hell in the early stages of teraforming! so for example, cheap food in the first, expensive in the later.
I would also like to see real traffic between the stations especially from non jump capable ships that deal with in system trading.
Ships loaded with stations cheap products should launch with various destinations, and ships loaded with expensive products should be approaching for docking.
Maybe some products could be produced and some could be consumed with time, so every station could have a demand and offer for some products. The prices difference would create a flow of cargoes from station to station
also the price of fuel should be very depended on the distance from the sun. From what I understand the fuel is not fossil, or created but scooped from the star. So sun skimmers should be buzzing from the star to stations and back to cover the demand for running a hole planetary system! It would be great also if there was actually a cargo type "fuel" that you could scoop and trade in the system, maybe there could be shortage of fuel in some stations that have less traffic.
Specific type of stations should have cheap prices and large quantities for their specific products, (e.g. rock hermits, factories) and be byers of consumer products like food or alcohol. Also the existence of a producer of some product, like a rock hermit, should influence the price of the rest of the stations in a manner relevant to distance. so that a rock hermit near a planet should mean that the planet also has cheap minerals and the rock hermit not so expensive food.
(takes a deep breath)
I don't know how many of these are actually implemented, or how difficult would be to implement, or how much of a destruction to the gameplay most of these would be, but in general terms I like things to make sense. (well to me that is , because what makes sense is a mater of opinion
My point of view is that balance is good, to the point that it is not boring, or break the immersion,
and realism is also good, to the point that we do not get stuck to details and break the gameplay
It is a delicate balance, and I admire those who manage to keep it while giving us more and more flavour to a great game!