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Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:00 pm
by Layne
Vincentz wrote:
Yup. I added my own font to it
I looked at config/oolite-font.plist but I'm not sure its modable. If it is, then I will do that instead ofcourse, otherwise I can make an addon to the addon with the font (can't be that many fonts for oolite?) ;)
No more than a couple of fonts added by OXP, that I've found. The one I use is Standalone, available here: ... alone_Font

I greatly prefer it to the vanilla font for the game. How /do/ you edit a font? Since my last post above I've realized that simply cutting and pasting from one .png file to another doesn't seem to work and the resulting font winds up horribly mangled as if the victim of a thresher accident.

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:20 pm
by Vincentz
I think its enough to just copy oolite-font.plist from your font to the config folder of New Deal (along with your edited PNG of course).

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:28 pm
by Layne
Vincentz wrote:
I think its enough to just copy oolite-font.plist from your font to the config folder of New Deal.
I don't think that will help-- the edited font is not reading properly, and without it I've got two fonts that don't match up-- one has just your new icons on it, and the other has... everything else, all the other text. Without editing it, I either get your OXP as text-only changes (the new system economies show up on the detailed view for a scanned system on the starmap) but the icons aren't visible. Alternately, I can have the new icons but the plain old font.

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:58 pm
by Vincentz
Layne wrote:
Vincentz wrote:
I think its enough to just copy oolite-font.plist from your font to the config folder of New Deal.
I don't think that will help-- the edited font is not reading properly, and without it I've got two fonts that don't match up-- one has just your new icons on it, and the other has... everything else, all the other text. Without editing it, I either get your OXP as text-only changes (the new system economies show up on the detailed view for a scanned system on the starmap) but the icons aren't visible. Alternately, I can have the new icons but the plain old font.
Put this one into the standalone font's texture folder (though make backup of original). ...
Its a temporary solution, just adding my icons to the standalone font, as I might (most likely will) change/adjust my icons later on.

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:15 pm
by Layne
Temporary or not, that works a treat for me.

What software are you using to edit/save the font files? I've tried three different programs and none of them seem to be able to edit and save the png in a format that doesn't garble the text, even though I'm not making any changes to the spacing or file size. Even just loading the file into the program and saving /without/ changing anything garbles it, as if it's changing the format somehow. I've tried saving in 8- 24- and 32-bit depth, but nothing seems acceptable to Oolite. Is it because it's being saved by Windows and not Mac?

Anyhow, thanks for that, I can use the oxp and not give up my lovely futuristic text.

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:26 pm
by Vincentz
Layne wrote:
Temporary or not, that works a treat for me.

What software are you using to edit/save the font files? I've tried three different programs and none of them seem to be able to edit and save the png in a format that doesn't garble the text, even though I'm not making any changes to the spacing or file size. Even just loading the file into the program and saving /without/ changing anything garbles it, as if it's changing the format somehow. I've tried saving in 8- 24- and 32-bit depth, but nothing seems acceptable to Oolite. Is it because it's being saved by Windows and not Mac?

Anyhow, thanks for that, I can use the oxp and not give up my lovely futuristic text.
I use an old version of Photoshop for windows.

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:57 pm
by Layne
This may also be a good idea:

It's a rough for a replacement to the BGS short-range chart overlay. The two files for bgs-i_shortrangechart.png and bgs-i_shortrangechart_mission.png will need to be replaced to reflect the new icons.

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:19 pm
by Vincentz
Thanks. Good idea, though it reminded me of something :
New Deal is for 1.81 (where iirc shortrange chart isn't used.)
I'm also not completely settled with my icons yet, but its a great idea.

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:42 pm
by another_commander
Topic moved at Vincentz's request.

Re: New Deal Economies

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:45 pm
by Vincentz
another_commander wrote:
Topic moved at Vincentz's request.
Thanks :D That was fast :D

Re: [WIP] New Deal Economies (for Oolite 1.81)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 11:53 am
by Zireael
Loving this idea, will probably grab it as soon as I've finished updating Oolite itself and OXZs...

Re: [WIP] New Deal Economies (for Oolite 1.81)

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 4:58 pm
by private_lock
I hope, the kids have grown up a little by now ... how about making an oxz for 1.88?

Keep up the good work

Re: [WIP] New Deal Economies (for Oolite 1.81)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 8:53 pm
by Cholmondely
Or even 1.89?

Superb idea!


Re: [WIP] New Deal Economies (for Oolite 1.81)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:05 am
by Cholmondely
Wouldn't different planets in a solar system have different economies?

Say, for example, that the primary planet in the solar system was financial. It seems highly improbable that the others would be too: the other planets in the system might well be extractive, agricultural or even commercial (if settled).

Similar issues would presumably arise with the planetary siblings of a commercial or a high-tech planet.

Alas, I assume that this sort of complexity would transcend the possibilities within Oolite as it currently stands.

Re: [WIP] New Deal Economies (for Oolite 1.81)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:13 am
by Milo
I realize I'm bumping an older thread here, but Cholmondely, your assumption is incorrect. See for example, this script reference which shows one of the ways in which secondary markets can be modified by OXPs independently from the main planet of the system.

Also, it may be of interest in the context of this discussion to review the SW_Economy OXP. It is another recent take on economic tweaking. I stumbled across it while hunting for the above script reference link, having not seen it before.